Example sentences of "[was/were] it [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Was it good washing with that Bold al Bold all in one ?
2 Was it sheer bravado on Obispal 's part that he disdained to fire explosive bolts at that creature which itself could not manipulate a gun ?
3 Was it sheer arrogance to insist , ‘ There is n't such a thing as Majorism ’ ?
4 Or was it scrambled egg ?
5 Was it pure will power ?
6 If the poll tax really became a tax on voting , was it non-registering residents , rather than any enthusiasm for Major or Lang , that pushed the Tory percentage in Scotland up from a poll average of about 21 to an actual 25.5 per cent , and proportionately diminished the impact of the Labour and SNP campaigns ?
7 Was it Inky coming to her ?
8 Nor was it mere coincidence that I arranged my holiday for a special part of September .
9 Was it mere luck or superior judgement that enabled Laura and Bernard to recruit some local staff of exceptional talent , dedication and above all the will to succeed ?
10 Was it mere petulance on the part of a former leader who remains unreconciled to her overthrow ?
11 What what sort of things went on , erm was it close fighting or did you never see
12 Was it Stainless Stephen , the popular comedian of the Thirties , who used to keep us informed about a certain impecunious Lord who had a horse named Final Demand by Every Post out of Somerset House ?
13 Did she detect compassion or was it slight wistfulness in those incredibly direct blue eyes ?
14 Or was it atomic law
15 What was it Roman thought important enough for a visit ?
16 Was it wishful thinking ?
17 Since when was it middle class or bourgeois to take a pride in your work , to want to see customers whose patronage provides your salary , satisfied ?
18 But that still leaves for the jury in submission , A , whether they used reasonable force yes reasonable to act , but was it reasonable force to act , was it a reasonable method of acting , by which I mean time of er , time of the incident .
19 Was it possible Carver was already screwing Evelyn in the bathroom ?
20 Was it possible Paula was still alive — and did she even want her to be ?
21 was it funny mum ?
22 If the crank shaft goes on a car after twenty thousand miles , is it a defect — mechanical defect — covered by the guarantee , or was it faulty workmanship by the person who put it into the car ?
23 Was it common practice for you to journey after the King to ensure all was well .
24 Was it stubborn pride or reason which defied surrender ?
25 The main aspect of the gens which interested Engels 's and Marx was it communal character , the ways it was internally undifferentiated and the way it held property as well as people and children in common .
26 Was it open farmland ?
27 Was it erm was it hard work in the in the creamery ?
28 No score in the second half to you or to Hucklecote ; was it hard work ?
29 For several hours we would be transported via the newsreel to the exotic East , where American soldiers were valiantly fighting the red , or was it yellow peril , and then to the Wild West , where Hoot Gibson or Eddy Dean would be showing cattle rustlers or unfriendly Indians ‘ what America stood for ’ .
30 Together they had painted the town a decorous shade of palest pink , dancing at Le Bal Anglais , or was it Mimi Pinson , necking in other people 's rooms , walking the streets of Paris , hand in hand during one timeless and unforgettable spring .
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