Example sentences of "[was/were] a [noun] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 At home they had behaved as if she were a toddler going to a first party in a party frock rather than a huge ungainly student eighteen years of age going to university dressed from head to toe in dark clothes .
2 He had n't played rugby football since leaving school but he tackled the girl as if he were a wing-threequarter playing for Ireland at Lansdowne Road .
3 In those days the fieldworker retained his status as a privileged stranger and proceeded to make a catalogue of ancient manners and customs much as if he were a policeman investigating a crime .
4 The vultures were a nuisance swooping down if you were carrying food .
5 King : Then stand not so , dear Wapping , when you speak , All stiff and formal as you were a judge Preparing to send a murderer to the scaffold .
6 He hated illness , hated it with an inner anger as though sickness were a devil attacking his life , his plans for his future , his energy .
7 I knew there were a bugger coming then .
8 She giggled when his second attempt ended in the same way , and when he grasped her in a great bear hug , she was able to slip away as easily as if it were a child holding her .
9 Its nervous system is being controlled , as irresistibly as if it were a helpless drug addict , or as if the cuckoo were a scientist plugging electrodes into its brain .
10 One moment standing at Reception and then wafted , as if he were a feather fluttering , to the car on the kerb .
11 It was as if Chapman were a captain trying to keep afloat on a treacherous sea in a small boat that threatened at any moment to spring a leak .
12 They were a family living in Rome for better or for worse , that would n't change any more than the world would change .
13 She stared into her coffee as though it were a pool reflecting the past .
14 And it is true that if , for example , there were a library catering specifically for the mentally retarded , this would be the first to be closed because it would create the greatest publicity .
15 If there was a thief living in his woods , he did not want anyone to know .
16 There was a trench running down this one , too , its contents so foul that he walked with his feet astride it .
17 He was a pacifist professing the admirable , old-fashioned virtues of his Quaker upbringing .
18 Though it was a chance meeting with Travis when he called at the apartment block , ostensibly to visit Leith and Sebastian , when the two bumped into each other .
19 When I was a boy living on a croft at Aywick , the corn bunting was a familiar bird .
20 It was something I 'd dreamed of since I was a boy humping golf-bags nearly as big as me .
21 There was a boy sitting in the car .
22 Cos I I remember looking at that house years back , you know , when I was a boy walking about you know .
23 The roughly cut lawn led right to the stone doorstep and was bordered by a flower garden at one side and a summer house at the other , beyond which was a yard showing some outhouses .
24 Analysis of covariance gave no significant difference between groups , although there was a trend favouring 5-ASA .
25 The harbour beyond was a myriad sparkling lights from moored boats and yachts and across the bay the twinkling lights of Palma lit up palm trees and white tower blocks , making them look more stunningly magical by night than by day .
26 It was a thriller starring Donald Pleasence and Peter Vaughan , and was made at Anglia TV 's Norwich studios and on location in London .
27 One brother of hers , at least , rallied to the cause — Samuel Hasted , younger than his sister , who was a cooper living in Bermuda Street , Stepney , a small row of eight houses just off Commercial Road .
28 So I went up and there was a bloke standing in the middle of the toilets , by the basin , tossing himself off , and I said , ‘ What do you think you 're doing ? ’
29 Bruno turned and stalked out of the room , then came back and pointed the Luger at Maxim once more and said Yes , there was a taxi waiting .
30 There was a sister watching us all the time , and when we went to walk out into the garden she said it was n't allowed .
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