Example sentences of "[was/were] being [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The motor age had arrived and by the end of the 1950s one and a quarter million new vehicles were being registered every year .
2 Building societies were legally recognized in 1812 , and the first Act of Parliament to regulate them was passed in 1836 , when some 150 societies were being formed every year .
3 A senior Government minister replied that people were being given a stake in society by being allowed to buy their council houses .
4 Anyone reading this today could well assume that they were being given a description of a military event , but the date was in fact 1950 and I was about to start my secondary education .
5 We were being given a marvellous send off by the people there but I was not too sure about the starting pistol that George McGuire was wielding though , maybe I would be put out of my misery sooner than I thought !
6 Once again the movies learnt that it was not only the wealthy and respectable who liked to think that they were being given the best .
7 Radio Tanzania on Sept. 18 cited Diria as saying that both sides were being given the opportunity to go home and clarify their positions .
8 more patients than were being treated a year ago ?
9 Ideas about the structure of glass date back 50 years or more to when the first diffuse X-ray scattering measurements on the material were being made a by B. E. Warren and others .
10 The Americans knew they were being led a dance , but the urge to rescue hostages — premised on high emotion and some amount of electoral calculation — drove the policy forward .
11 A GRE spokesman said all the staff were being offered a transfer to Lytham and added that the firm would do its best to accommodate their wishes if they did n't want to move to Lytham .
12 By raising the apparent value of Guinness 's shares in this way , they had hoped to attract the approval of Distillers ' shareholders , who were being offered the inflated Guinness shares in part payment for their Distillers holdings .
13 In the words of St Bernard of Clairvaux , the most successful saint of the twelfth century , they were being offered an amazing bargain :
14 In fact , railway bills were being passed every session which made a grosser interference , but that was not the point .
15 Metals was used for barrels but only for ones that were being taken a long way away like wine barrels that were being taken to or from Gascony .
16 A CLAIM that patients in South Cleveland were being refused a lifeline because of cash cuts was refuted by a senior officer last night .
17 Within 15 years , 60,000 were being sold a week , and they were exported to more than 60 countries .
18 Although it was reported on Feb. 26 that electricity supplies were being restored the resolution was otherwise ignored , despite six further deaths in armed clashes on Feb. 23-24 .
19 S so the position as of say the summer nineteen forty seven when , when you 're , you , this law was being formulated the reports coming back are that although there is the opportunity for the poor to do better , as a , as a matter of course they 're not all doing better .
20 While an appeal was being examined the republic could suspend the application on its territory of the acts in contention .
21 And er at that time when it was being mooted the , the council could not spend this charitable trust money without putting into jeopardy vast sums of money from revenue grant
22 By '68 , the latter was being dubbed the ‘ High Priestess of Rock ’ .
23 The next day she decided to saddle the horse for a ride , but as the girth was being tightened the horse pulled back in great fear , broke its halter rope , and threw itself over backwards sending the saddle crashing to the ground .
24 This theme was being maintained a year later , by which time it was clear that the incentive that held the greatest attraction for Japanese buyers was still the discount , particularly as the hazards of lifting oil in the Gulf were making insurance so expensive .
25 But as he grew older , and felt the signs of decay in his mortal body , he rejoiced to think that his inner man was being renewed every day , until he should attain that ‘ being at home with the Lord ’ to which his whole Christian life was directed and of which he had been given the Holy Spirit as a guarantee ( 2 Cor. 4 : 16f , 5:1ff , 5,8 ) .
26 But Gabriel knew he was being taught the verses .
27 At the same time as the dispute over the Dock Labour Scheme was moving rapidly through the courts , the British Railways Board was being denied an injunction against the National Union of Railwaymen .
28 The expenditure was justified by the argument that the newspaper industry existed to vilify the GLC and the rest of the left , and that the public was being denied the chance to hear the other side .
29 The hostile reception of Alford 's views led him to reflect that he was being denied the parliamentary right of free speech .
30 But you have nothing to lose — your life was being made a misery anyway .
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