Example sentences of "[was/were] because they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Der summat like that , and his wife had a baby at the same time as Elaine 's so she our midwife would come and er , so the she kept in touch really of of what they were because they wanted to , I 'll take the place off , they wanted to take it over .
2 In every case where such innovations proved lasting , it was because they adapted well to the specific environment of the farmers .
3 In both cases this was because they exceeded the 5 per cent minimum threshold in terms of votes won in what was formerly East Germany , albeit not in Germany as a whole .
4 This was because they purchased in bulk , often for delivery to a central depot and placed large orders well in advance of the delivery date , thus enabling the manufacturer to organise production more efficiently .
5 When the counts of La Marche and Périgueux paid homage to the duke of Aquitaine , it implied acceptance on their part that to injure the duke 's person or property would be a breach of faith , but little more ; if they came to his court or assisted him on campaigns , it was because they saw profit or pleasure in so doing .
6 They do n't tell you why they refuse you , but I think it was because they knew I was Black from my name .
7 They had faith in him , and I believe that this was because they knew he had faith in them .
8 In 1798 the threat of military invasion from Napoleonic France had only just ebbed when the Bishop of Durham announced to a startled House of Lords that it had come to his attention that the only reason the enemy forces had backed away from military invasion was because they had hit on a more sinister method of bringing Britannia to heel .
9 She asked them why ; they said it was because they had information that the two children had been sexually abused .
10 That they did not was because they had achieved only conservation of energy in the sense that the amount released exceeded that contained in the mass of a muon .
11 That was because they had extracted from Lord Owen , one of the authors of the peace plan , a concession at a meeting in Greece last weekend that would prevent Croat or Muslim soldiers from reclaiming territory from which Serb troops had withdrawn .
12 Because so many people so badly wanted it to succeed when it did they almost believed it was because they had willed it to .
13 He asked them why elephants did n't ride bicycles and explained that it was because they had n't any thumbs to ring the bell with .
14 It was because they had been rich and important for so long , generation after generation , rather than just since the invention of the power loom and the spinning frame , like her John-William .
15 Several contemporaries suggested that the reason why the modern Whigs were losing support was because they had deserted old Whig principles .
16 Surely the reason for the rebuke , why he said that they were timid and they 'd no faith was because they had lost sight of the fact , or the , the importance of the fact that he was there with them .
17 When asked why they were giving such big pay increases in a difficult period , they said it was because they feared losing their skilled men .
18 If Protestants were superior , it was because they deserved to be .
19 And additional cross-tabulations not included in Appendix I showed that two per cent of those buying for cash said that this was because they thought they probably would n't be able to get credit .
20 Maybe it was because they thought it was dangerous to stand out in any way from the crowd , in case fate was tempted to drop a crate on their heads .
21 I liked to think it was because they thought he 'd failed , that our survival in the mountains had been his humiliation , but I would have to admit this might have been mere wishful thinking .
22 These writers criticized the industry for being a second-rate imitation of Hollywood , but that was because they despised American cinema and the ‘ box-office bogey ’ , not because they appreciated the economic gap between the two industries .
23 If a band delayed signing a publishing contract until the singles from their album had obtained some success , it was because they believed , not unreasonably , that they could negotiate a better contract by demonstrating their chart success to a publisher .
24 The only reason the police got anything out of me was because they threatened to question my daughter .
25 But I idiotically thought I could see Antoinette and Piers looking rather amused and I was sure it was because they felt I did n't know him as well as I 'd said .
26 ‘ Only one , ’ said Ken , ‘ and that was n't because I forgot it : it was because they 'd given me bad directions . ’
27 That was because they tended to imply that beliefs , laws , and principles were not based on eternal unchanging principles but were aspects of the type of society in which they occurred .
28 This was because they found that many of their animals and plants were very similar to European forms , but that they did differ in what seemed to be significant respects , such as size or colour .
29 Yeah but I thought in the case of like Petula Clark and Lulu it was because they won it that got them into the scene sort of thing .
30 The reason why these had survived so long was because they required the most money spent on them — in the case of valley bottoms , to pay for initial drainage and then to maintain it — to make them yield their full potential of arable and pasture .
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