Example sentences of "[was/were] just the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These were just the internal shortcomings at TMI .
2 Nothing traumatic happened ; there were just the ordinary ups and downs which would naturally have occurred in the life of a humble family striving to make a reasonable living in a somewhat precarious way .
3 We did a John Peel radio session a while ago and me and Debbie both used these really early seventies Thin Lizzy amps and they were just the best .
4 At last there were just the external walls to be given a final coat of white paint .
5 That were just the temporary passes for the motorway that we had to return to department .
6 These , it was thought , were just the first countries on the list .
7 I see now that these were just the first skirmishes in a never-ending guerrilla war .
8 They were just the first .
9 There were just the two of us .
10 There were just the two of them .
11 ‘ Mam had asked him to look after us and there were just the three children in the house .
12 There were just the three of them , with Chamberlain holding one man 's future or the other 's in the palm of his hand .
13 ‘ An ’ it were just the same then .
14 Evidently no generalization decrement occurred with the stimuli and procedures used here because there was no loss of conditioned responding in group D. But the stimuli and procedures used in the aversive conditioning experiment of Fig. 4.5(b) were just the same as those used in the appetitive conditioning experiment of Fig. 4.5(a) .
15 Gulliver 's Travels went back to telling fantastic tales , but Swift wrote the book in the same realistic style as Defoe , and took it for granted that his readers would find it quite natural that at the ends of the earth men were just the same as in England — petty , trivial , grasping , and generally unpleasant .
16 The new kids were indistinguishable from the old and the new parents were just the same , for the female cousins had all married , or shacked up with , wispy , indefinite , ineffectual men ; and the male cousins had simply married their mothers .
17 ‘ We were just the same age and living in the same hole , ’ she said vaguely .
18 And erm I suppose it would make it would be a lot more logical if all the blinds were just the same price all the time .
19 I understand that this was pretty common , quite common throughout British Railways , it took a few years to knit together you know , the nationalization and the fact that we were just the same railway after that .
20 Er er it were just the same on a motorcycle the faster he 'll go the better they 'd like it !
21 And those were just the British issues , which did not yet include a conventional album .
22 Of course , if conventionalism were just the semantic theory that the phrase " legal rights " should not be used to describe rights people have in virtue of consistency in principle , then a conventionalist judge could indeed take a lively interest in that form of consistency under a different description .
23 ‘ We have been given reassurances that the water is safe to drink and it was just the long hot summer but we are not so sure .
24 My brother-in-law the councillor said nothing , just stood looking down at her ; and in his eyes was just the right mixture of kindliness and a sort of authority ; and something else — a twinkle , a you-and-me-having-a-little-joke-together look .
25 With three blocks removed , it was just the right length for riding on at one end and off at the other .
26 By contrast with both of these other planets , the Earth was just the right distance from the Sun .
27 In no time at all , the fire was blazing cheerfully , the curtains were drawn against the night , and Beth was pouring the water from the kettle into the bath ; a spill of cold water from the ewer , then another drop from the kettle , and the water was just the right temperature , the warm steam rising nicely and filling the room with a comfortable warm smell .
28 Set in the centre of the altar stone 's upper surface was a small depression that was just the right size for a normal-sized version of the device .
29 It was just the right touch .
30 It was just the right length to stretch taut , pulling the leg slightly back .
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