Example sentences of "[was/were] just [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
2 Sorry to disappoint you , but I 'm afraid you were just pipped for the star prize .
3 Prior to ninety one two when independent taxation came in banks and building societies were just taxed at source , as it is today .
4 We were just deprived of doing what we do — just going in the studio and making records .
5 I was dying of jealousy for guys whose faces were just cratered with seeping yellow pus .
6 So that when we get to the mock interview stage , no , no one can actually back out , no one can pretend that they were just sent by their council .
7 And er we they used to fill there They were just filled with woodcuttings .
8 And it looks to me as if you two lovely people were just made for each other ! ’
9 Those competitors ’ meetings were just attended by a group of distressed individuals who wanted to know where they were going . ’
10 They were just stored in the caverns
11 But it is equally harmful to swing to the opposite extreme : to claim that the enterprise of becoming literate is hard only because teachers make it so , and that children would succeed perfectly well if they were just provided with suitable books and left to themselves .
12 Well no they were just described as tinkies .
13 I do n't mean they were just knocked about a bit … they were smashed , stitches and a fractured jaw for one , severe abdominal bruising for the other .
14 Many of the wharves were just padlocked with no one to guard them but Clark 's Wharf was different .
15 They were just wrapped around him .
16 Commenting on a literacy , or ‘ English ’ class , Mathew , a male user who had had a ‘ normal ’ education , said : ‘ They were just sat about talkin' ; some of 'em were drawin' when I went in .
17 you know they take them for a little visit so they get used to the school before they go , which is a good idea , I mean we were just thrown in
18 Most were unhappy — to the outside world they were just thought of as ‘ cabbages ’ , without thoughts or feelings , because that was how the people looking after them thought they were .
19 ‘ They shot part of it outside in this lot which was just covered with dogshit .
20 She was just covered in dressings and things .
21 It was just pushed through the letterbox . ’
22 And at the end , when they flipped on the lights , ‘ everyone was just riveted to him .
23 ‘ There 's a real system now , whereas in the past , squash was just seen as a public school sort of pastime .
24 It was just seen as a normal part of the job then really .
25 I was barefoot and cold ; all I had on were my underpants and my dressing gown which , by this time , was just ripped to shreds .
26 Well it was just their own The the found of the thing was just built of big stones round about the size of the bottom of a stack .
27 His face was just pasted over a badly formed skull .
28 It was just made for Seve .
29 No I think they was just made like that in those days , yes .
30 He was just cautioned by the superintendent .
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