Example sentences of "[was/were] just [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Horses which a moment before were just off the pace crashed into the leaders , tipping off their riders and running up and down the fence , preventing any of the horses following from getting over it .
2 They were just of a height .
3 But they were just at the design stage when early on a July morning in 1978 twelve passengers died in a fire on Mark 1 sleeping cars of the Penzance to Paddington overnight train .
4 Hanging back so they were just at the limit of vision , she followed them through the tunnels of the complex , occasionally passing other personnel or soldiers , who ignored her to concentrate on their search for the fugitive .
5 ‘ The groves were just above the sea , ’ he said .
6 She has smooth , soft skin which glows softly as though a candle were just below the surface .
7 The sounds were just below the limit of human hearing .
8 just on a , were just on a general high anyway after the election results .
9 On the other hand , when the amount produced is such that the demand price is less than the supply price , sellers receive less than is sufficient to make it worth their while to bring goods to market on that scale ; so that those who were just on the margin of doubt as to whether to go on producing are decided not to do so , and there is an active force at work tending to diminish the amount brought forward for sale .
10 Often they were just on the edge of being happy .
11 She nursed his ailments too , and with a needle from a certain yucca picked out the chigoes from his feet , neatly , so as not to burst the sac in which the nits were hatching and release them into his flesh : the insects between his pink and white toes were just like a shrimp 's roe .
12 So that it would if it were were just like a trough .
13 They were just like the creature outside , but only about twenty centimetres long .
14 They were humans but they were just like the monsters .
15 I was only teasing you because I thought you were just like the rest of them .
16 they were just like the old fashioned kind and er we 've never been to Harrendle since and whenever I get to Harrendle I 'd get some more sausages .
17 ‘ When the lights went out , we were just behind the stage .
18 Their running was impeded by the mass of men coming out of the main doors and scattering in all directions , and heads down , they made their way between them to the back of the Naafi and into the rest room , which was empty ; and they were just in the process of taking off their wet top coats when the supervisor came in , saying , ‘ Oh , I 'm in luck ; I was about to send to the hut for help .
19 And er they were just they were just in the in the act of of of tapping of tapping a couple of these barrels , and er i it was unfortunate that the that the police showed up .
20 You were just in the right place at the right time . ’
21 But some of them were just in the wrong place at the wrong time .
22 But it was just as an excuse to get her latest lover into the house .
23 Sure enough , it was just as the second , regurgitated blade appeared , dangling on a length of thread from Jim Rose 's mouth , that Richard had collided suddenly and rather violently with the floor of Strathclyde University Union 's level eight hall .
24 So I got the job , which had the great perk of corporate membership at the Riviera course , which was just down the road from the office . ’
25 For sports the children would run around a local playing field , which was just down the road , they walked there under supervision of , or the children would do the long jump in the sand pit .
26 Her mother 's bedroom , once the living-room , was just off the hall , where the telephone was .
27 Officially the Red Lion , it was just off the High Street and scene of a regular Sunday evening congregation .
28 Chapman was particularly struck by the fact that the ground was just across the road from Gillespie Road Underground station , and could thus be reached easily from most parts of London .
29 His office was just across the square and the sight of him took some of the fright away .
30 His office was just along the corridor from where Wanless now sits in his ornately furnished chief executive 's eyrie .
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