Example sentences of "[was/were] try [to-vb] their " in BNC.

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1 Search consultants are often called in when an organisation is considering going into a new business sector , as Marks & Spencer did when they went into financial services with their credit card ; as when BP were trying to diversify their business and spot winners by developing new technology ; as financial services institutions do when they wish to launch a new product or enter new markets .
2 The discontent with Rome had at last resulted in rebellions of slaves and of the lower classes , indirectly or even directly supported by those who at the two opposite corners of the Roman Empire were trying to defend their own independence , the Spanish tribes and Mithridates , king of Pontus .
3 Cos they were trying to fill their quota
4 Nature was a scene of constant struggle in which species were trying to extend their territory — a message emphasized by Darwin , but also by earlier writers such as de Candolle .
5 It was difficult to tell if those who had already risen were trying to help their fellows , or if those still recumbent were actually pulling the feistier ones back down , into the grave .
6 We have since learnt from an unreliable source that Arlo is so named because Mr and Mrs Bez were trying to work their way through a baby 's name book and got bored with it by the end of the ‘ A ’ section .
7 And to all Britain 's European allies there seemed to be something incongruous about her ending conscription just as they were trying to expand their conscript forces under American pressure , in order to make the forward defence of Western Europe , which they all desired , a practicable strategy .
8 ‘ Do you remember when we wanted to get Gawain into Almeira Road school , and we could n't , because all the middle-class parents in s.w.23 were trying to get their kids into Almeira Road , and we live just over the zoning boundary ?
9 Loud cries of surprise from the hall made them run out of the cloakroom , where they were trying to find their coats and berets .
10 Great Warriors did n't want to attract too much attention to themselves when they were trying to think their way out of their penalty period in the ultimate war .
11 We have n't finished the process of elimination , but there was hardly anybody in the club in the afternoon except the residents and a few servants , and why the servants should try to blow up someone who was trying to improve their conditions is beyond me . ’
12 Two of the captives , Lawrence Jenco and Benjamin Weir , were clergymen ( Jenco a Catholic priest , Weir a Presbyterian minister ) ; Terry Waite , a lay advisor to the Archbishop of Canterbury , was trying to organize their release until he himself was kidnapped in 1987 .
13 Everybody was trying to do their job
14 Its owner admitted to us that he 'd spent the Cullifords and other people 's insurance premiums paying off company debts , but insisted he was trying to get their money back .
15 Thornton was trying to hijack their project — the baby they had nursed to its first hesitant steps .
16 They had heard loud banging from the boxcars , as if someone was trying to attract their attention .
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