Example sentences of "[was/were] begin [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 The three androids had fallen over , too , but they were still functioning , and were beginning to aim their blasters .
2 If men were beginning to abandon their fear of hell , they were clinging with some tenacity to their hopes of heaven , as we shall see in chapter nine .
3 By now German commanders were beginning to lose their nerve .
4 On balance , however , it looks as though by May 1183 Henry II and Richard were beginning to lose their grip on the war .
5 In his memory , Sue and Arabella were beginning to lose their separate outlines .
6 He could sense that his parents despaired of him and were beginning to put their efforts into his stronger rival and that soon …
7 The young of that year were beginning to leave their home territories , pairs were beginning to relax and there was a sense of change in the air again .
8 The pressure was becoming too much for him , and though at first they had taken the challenge with both hands , and had almost made a joke of it , now the months of confinement and running , running and confinement , the eternal hiding , were beginning to take their toll of his spirit .
9 Her emotional upsets were beginning to take their toll , and she knew that if she thought about the hopelessness of her love for Silas she 'd begin to weep .
10 Outside , Marxist socialism was beginning to be given attention by orators , and syndicalist trade unionists were beginning to flex their industrial muscles .
11 Even Moscow 's lower orders , it seemed , were beginning to voice their disquiet .
12 Curricula remained largely confined to ‘ the three Rs ’ and to rote-learning , although more adventurous , again mainly urban , school , boards , especially those of London , were beginning to widen their curricula and to provide ‘ higher elementary ’ education for older children .
13 Evidently he had rejected the Keynesianism of the past , though the course of economic debate now suggested that apostles of the old orthodoxy were beginning to recover their confidence .
14 It would have been too much to hope for one capable of answering any of the questions that were beginning to raise their heads in her sleep-muffled brain .
15 From a socialist point of view the government was barren , yet incomes policy and fiscal restraint were beginning to produce their intended effects and the expansion of world trade was benefiting the economy .
16 This self-propelled weapon was not yet a serious threat ; it still had an effective range of less than a mile , but the tiny torpedo-boats which were beginning to make their appearance heralded a whole new range of warships for the future .
17 The next step was to begin to redesign their actions .
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