Example sentences of "[was/were] always on the " in BNC.

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1 We just passed them out to crazy people and artistes and people who were always on the scene in New York .
2 They were a difficult band to manage because they were always on the brink of breaking up .
3 While the splendid John Devereux improved his chances of being named in today 's Great Britain touring squad to Australia , with a fine display from his old rugby union position of centre , they were without too many of their creative players to open a hard-tackling defence which absorbed the pressure and were always on the lookout for the counter-attack .
4 Both Mr and Mrs Tiller were always on the lookout for any child or woman with potential .
5 My fantasies were never about specific sexual activities , they were always on the level of some emotional transcendence — someone would come along and embrace me and that would be it ; I could n't really envisage what the nitty gritty practical things were .
6 It must be hell to be her , with her crazy parents who were always on the scrounge , though she did n't seem even to be aware of her situation .
7 They were always on the subject of war anyway .
8 Fisher Row was similar to some of the contemporary rural communities which have been studied in depth in that it had a stable core of local families which remained for generation after generation while another group which included carters , drovers and seasonal workers who found cheap lodgings in the parish were always on the move .
9 The youth could n't have been an inch over five feet three , skinny with dark curly hair and flashing eyes that never seemed to be still , as if he were always on the lookout for trouble .
10 He and Chris Grant , on The Thinker , jumped the last together , but it was always on the cards that McCourt would have the upper hand .
11 Anthony was always on the phone , rushing about like a bull in a china shop , or lying in bed till twelve with one or other of his girlfriends .
12 Friends and neighbours saw a conscientious and hard-working mother who never seemed to sit down , and was always on the go , and kept herself to herself .
13 She was always on the alert for a scene of frustration between husband and wife .
14 This was a critical factory over the ensuing years , when a run on capital was always on the cards , especially in the slump period of the 20 's and 30's .
15 He had a passionate concern for the welfare of football in general , and was always on the lookout for ways to make it more efficient , more attractive and more popular , although naturally he wanted Arsenal to be in the forefront .
16 He told me he was always on the lookout for new artistes , and offered me a position with his company .
17 He was always on the watch for an affront , which he would often imagine even when it had not been intended , an easy thing for a Frenchman at a politically sensitive time .
18 As a member of the National Association of Young Cricketers Executive Committee , he arranged the Esso sponsorship of the NAYC Oxford and Cambridge Festivals virtually on his own and was always on the lookout for promising young players .
19 We was always on the edge anyway .
20 Vincent lived by gusts ; he was always on the move inside himself .
21 He was always on the move , he said .
22 I had peripherally helped out at anti-apartheid offices , even gone on CND Easter Marches when I first came over , but it was always on the sidelines .
23 Such a victory was always on the cards , for Miss Albano stood only 10 places above her British counterpart in the world rankings , at 456 .
24 The impetus for the film to be made came from Paul Muni , who was always on the look-out for suitable social themes .
25 The insistence on history as a totality , necessary if historical materialism is to justify itself as true , left Marxism with a fragile category that from the very first was always on the point of breaking apart .
26 It is more appropriate to accept the view of D. P. Walker that magic was always on the point of turning into art , science , practical psychology , or , above all , religion .
27 For this reason Henry II was always on the lookout for excuses and opportunities to intervene in Berry .
28 He was man who was always on the point of launching some immense enterprise , a few of which indeed came off while others ended disastrously .
29 Anne felt that she considered her a green fool , and Mabel was indignant that Hetty was very ready to accept the ‘ perks ’ of the job , such as the cakes and bread given to the staff by Mrs Dyson , and the extra money from Mr Dyson , but was always on the alert for any infringement of her rights .
30 A country vet , especially in the Yorkshire Dales , never had the chance to get out of condition ; he was always on the move , wrestling with the big animals , walking for miles between the fell-side barns ; he was hard and tough .
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