Example sentences of "[was/were] of [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The dangerous logic of events was leading to a predictable conclusion , though Sarah and Coleridge had met for the first time only nine days before and were of fundamentally different temperaments , she sharp-tongued , humorous and practical , he procrastinating and visionary .
2 It is surmised therefore that such claims generally relate to Bf110s , which were of generally similar appearance .
3 However , the survey did find that 89 per cent of rivers , 90 per cent of canals and 90 per cent of estuaries were of either good or fair quality .
4 Breakfasts in the holidays , when Mademoiselle had gone back to France and Nicandra to old Nannie in the nursery , were of even poorer quality .
5 They had front exits and were of slightly lower seating capacity than the E/1s .
6 Fortunately he and the Hungarian were of superficially similar appearance and , unlike his superiors , Aranyos had no objection to cutting a few corners .
7 ‘ Everybody accepted that the existing buildings were of both individual and group value , and not to be demolished save in favour of an outstanding replacement , ’ he commented .
8 The patches seemed to be of two types : Nicorene , Nicotine Patch , Nicocheck , and Nicoban were of closely similar or identical appearance and on analysis contained only 0.4 mg of nicotine per patch .
9 Events in Vietnam , in many ways comparable although obviously complicated by the factor of French colonialism , were of infinitely less interest and for the moment seemed to require only a definition of attitudes rather than acts of policy .
10 Most churches , however , were of relatively low status .
11 Their heads , none of whom was of high noble birth and some of whom were of relatively humble origins , were officials rather than statesmen .
12 Many of those on board who were of merely ordinary calibre would serve by yielding up their vital force to feed the Emperor 's insatiable soul , so that he could continue to be a watchful beacon and protector .
13 While it freed him from a form of dependency — his succession to the LDP leadership had been achieved with the faction 's support — it also meant that the future of his premiership would depend on the skill with which he was able to balance the party 's competing factions — including his own — all of which were of roughly equal strength .
14 In Adonis Attis Osiris , Frazer saw the goddess Mefitis as personifying ‘ mephitic vapours ’ and described her temple ‘ where the exhalations … were of so deadly a character that all who set foot on the spot died ’ .
15 Turkish officials made references to a projected special relationship with the 42,000,000 Turkic peoples in the Soviet Union ( in Azerbaijan , Kazakhstan , Turkmenia and Uzbekistan ) , although in economic terms the states bordering on the Black Sea were of more immediate interest to Turkey .
16 Some of the poems had been written during the 1860s , others were of more recent date , but the overall impression — which so disturbed contemporary readers — of austerity , metrical irregularity and verbal roughness , reminiscent of an oral tradition , can now be seen , in the words of another poet , David Wright , ‘ as a beginning of the end of Victorian poetry ’ .
17 Other Forest wardens were of more exalted rank .
18 The main drawback of such workings was that by their very nature they were of only limited duration .
19 As a result , by the time war was declared in 1939 MI6 had failed to establish any worthwhile network of agents in Europe and those it had were of very dubious quality , some even dishonest and fraudulent .
20 Philip had opened the proceedings by again suggesting an exchange of conquests , but Richard opposed this , arguing that this would mean that he gave up lands , including the Quercy , which brought him an annual revenue of a thousand marks or more , in return for estates in Berry which , though they were fiefs belonging to Aquitaine , were in fact held by other lords and so were of very little direct financial benefit to him .
21 Where the parents were of radically different types this led to the degeneration of the qualities of the higher race , but if the racial outcrossing was between individuals whose characteristics were complementary or similar then it was beneficial .
22 This explanation is consistent with the finding that monitoring latencies were considerably slower in the two conditions where preceding words were of considerably less help in predicting target words .
23 The rest of mankind , including the American Indians , were of quite separate and earlier stock , all members of which are , by their nature , lost in primeval savagery , except the Christians who have been redeemed by the grace of Christ and thus belong to God 's Elect .
24 The coins themselves spanned the period 14th to 17th centuries and four of them were of quite high denomination for the period they were in circulation ; not the highest value coin available , but nevertheless high .
25 Some mills were small , although others were of much greater magnitude .
26 The campaigns in Brittany had offered a foretaste of what might be gained in loot and ransoms , but the expeditions to Aquitaine and Normandy were of much greater importance in demonstrating how much wealth might be won from war .
27 Late complications were of much greater concern and arose in eight patients ( 20% ) at a median of 3.3 months ( range 0.25–12 ) from the initial insertion .
28 Considerable though the distance was across the metropolis , I sensed that the cultural and historical boundaries we traversed were of far greater significance .
29 And , because of what had happened to his father , honesty and integrity were of far greater importance to him than to many businessmen she had worked for .
30 The general feeling was of mildly pleasurable excitement .
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