Example sentences of "[was/were] now [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some 5000 former members of the BNA were now enlisted in the regular army , but this left thousands more outside , restless and discontented .
2 The mountains and lakes were now revered as a source of ‘ uplift ’ .
3 During 1915 , Germany and her bolstered ally , Austria , were to achieve great successes in the east and make large conquests of territory , but any prospect of a quick victory for the Central Powers , upon which all had been so confidently staked , were now forfeited beyond redemption .
4 They were now highlighted with Winsor & Newton 's acrylic gold , put on three times to be sure of a strongly reflective finish .
5 The Samaritans wanted to be treated as Sidonians , just as the inhabitants of Jerusalem were now treated as Antiochenes .
6 Vulnerable people were now threatened with struggling without the day care help they now rely on , he added .
7 The brain had enlarged later in order to exploit the tool-making capacities of hands that were now freed from the task of locomotion .
8 Meanings and beliefs had not become irrelevant , but the coherence and falsity of racist ideas were now ascribed to the function they serve in legitimating social practices that reinforce an unequal distribution of power between groups differentiated in racial and/or ethnic terms ( see , for example , Troyna and Carrington , 1990 , p. 56 ) .
9 Her eyes were now riveted on the ruler in the nun 's hand .
10 Only five of the 282 exiles were now barred from Taiwan , according to Interior Minister Wu Po-hsiung .
11 Since President Ali Mahdi Mohammed was from the United Somali Congress ( USC ) , the two posts of Vice-president ( which had been created following the July talks between Somali groups in Djibouti — see pp. 38322-23 ) were now filled by Abdel Qadir Mohammed Rebeh and Umar Ma'alim Mohammed , representing the Somali Patriotic Movement ( SPM ) and the Somali Democratic Movement ( SDM ) .
12 They were now joined by John Maud as permanent Secretary , who soon found that his Minister — not particularly well on educational matters , although still capable of righteous passion in the face of wrong — was content to learn rather than There was plenty to keep them busy .
13 However , the original ‘ Biff Boys ’ , the hearty undergraduate types who had been trained by the Jewish boxer Ted ‘ Kid ’ Lewis , were now joined by others with more controversial opinions and methods ; in August 1932 a nineteen-year-old member of the New Party was convicted of sticking labels on shop windows in London 's Oxford Street urging the expulsion of the Jews from Britain .
14 When the great wave of railway-building took place at the end of the nineteenth century , the old industrial commodities of iron , coal , and cotton were still important , but they were now joined by many others .
15 The traditional political " families " still vied with each other in pursuance of their particular objectives ; but the old clans of Catholics , monarchists and Falangists were now joined by a new breed of apolitical technocrat and a new kind of Falangist .
16 My earlier studies of fish and birds were now extended to mammals and I ended up as the curator of the largest collection of mammalian species in the world — at the London Zoo .
17 The Germans were now faced with an insoluble strategic problem , perceived but not resolved by von Schlieffen : they had insufficient strength to wheel west of Paris and subdue it .
18 The Western powers and Japan , who had long been attempting to secure rights and interests in China , were now faced with a series of regimes too weak to resist some of their demands , or to see that any concessions were adhered to .
19 In place of the comfortable doctrine of sedimentation keeping pace with subsidence , we were now faced with the notion of empty troughs forming in the sea floor , with only occasional rushes of sediment to fill them .
20 The lawless janissaries and their local Turkish supporters were now appeased at the expense of the Christian peasants .
21 Looking down at the man who had quietly assisted her and whose clothes were now covered in the other man 's blood , she said , ‘ You 'd better go with them as well . ’
22 The single-storey grey stone building stood amid fields where vines and figs used to grow in abundance , but which had been left to run wild and were now covered in bright carpets of wild flowers .
23 Having reached the initial , simple decision about lettering ( plain , unadorned and to the point ) and material ( unpolished limestone slab ) they were now floored over questions of layout and surroundings .
24 At its most blatant , posts which had once been the preserve of dons from Oxford or Cambridge were now given to businessmen .
25 Neither owned any property , but from the fact that Elizabeth 's assessment was reduced to £30 for the second instalment of the subsidy in 1525 , while Thomas and Malyn were now taxed on 20 marks apiece , it is logical to deduce that they were her children , lately come of age .
26 Within each section of the company workers were now rotated from job to job automatically , regularly , and compulsorily , and this system covered a range of levels , not just the most de-skilled of the jobs .
27 These were now crystallized in an expanded discourse on male and female sexuality .
28 His functions were now split between several officers who specialised in counter-insurgency .
29 Salaries were now arranged in a more systematic hierarchy and paid more regularly than in the past .
30 It was on his prompting that ethnic drop-out youths were now accepted onto college courses without formal qualifications ; it was on his urging that examinations were now being set and marked in Urdu and other minority languages , the faculties shamed at last out of their insistence that English was the only language in the world that counted .
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