Example sentences of "[was/were] not [verb] any " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , four out of five of them were not using any form of birth control .
2 Because they were not enacting any kind of simulation of hospital life , the exercise could be described as INDIRECT .
3 In the 1546 patients managed exclusively by the general practitioner in whom details of maintenance treatment before and after the attack were supplied , 349 ( 23% ) had been receiving no treatment ( step 0 ) before the attack , and 51 ( 15% ) of these were not prescribed any maintenance treatment after their attack .
4 It is possible that such people had minor enzyme deficiencies before their damaging exposure , but that these were not causing any symptoms at that stage .
5 In the last century , the form of the right was that the police were not to ask any questions of a detained person .
6 Landlords were not seeking any advantage in the regulations but merely wanted to ensure that the rental value of holdings was maintained .
7 Ex-servicemen and their families were not getting any benefits from ‘ the war to end all wars ’ .
8 Willan Cyrus , prosecuting , told the court : ‘ In fact , customers were not getting any discount at all . ’
9 They were not taking any chances .
10 Funeral or no funeral they were not taking any chances .
11 Eighteen normal volunteers ( 11 women , seven men , median age 45 years ( 19–75 ) , median body weight 75 kg ( 45–109kg ) , and median BMI 26.0 ( 17.8–38.7 ) who had no history of gastrointestinal disease and were not taking any medication were also studied .
12 All subjects were symptomfree , were not taking any drugs , and agreed to collaborate as volunteers .
13 At the end of the prosecution case , counsel for Paul Magee ( 42 ) and Michael O'Brien ( 32 ) told Mr Justice Laws that they were not calling any evidence .
14 However , a great many people with some degree of mental disability were not receiving any formal care or treatment .
15 Six patients were not receiving any treatment .
16 These nine Orkney children were not informed ; they were not told the Hearing was taking place ; , they were not given any sort of explanation .
17 There was no significant difference between the number of words recalled in this condition and the number recalled by subjects who were not given any information about the theme of the passage .
18 I remember the shock of realising that the two groups were not making any contact — the word DRAMA meant entirely different things to each side .
19 The control surfaces became sluggish and in spite of full power we were not making any height .
20 see the fathers and mothers and tell them you see , we we 've had enough of this lot , were not having any more .
21 Athelstan translated as he read aloud : ‘ Did God really say you were not to eat any of this tree in the garden ? ’
22 From reception we could see girls walking around , although we were told by a very heavy officer that we were not to get any ideas that we could walk around freely .
23 ‘ The four children were not showing any signs of infection but during routine screening , which we carry out every week , we discovered they had the bacteria , ’ said a hospital spokeswoman .
24 mm , well if they come again I sha n't let the say were not selling any more bits
25 The lessees were not to permit any employee to obtain any " settlement by virtue of the Poor Laws of the Township of Church Coniston by any act of them " ( the lessees ) .
26 I probably , homework , because her daughter was dying or something and she , her daughter was quite seriously ill and taken to hospital , so we just had Miss so we were n't given any homework for that
27 They were n't getting any business .
28 We were n't charged any rent .
29 But they were n't invited any , well I would n't think
30 Tailors ' labels usually are n't printed — the name is generally woven in ; They were n't taking any chances — they did n't want to risk the clothes being identified if anything went wrong . "
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