Example sentences of "[was/were] [Wh adv] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It must have taken her an awful lot to write those words , and they were why I felt I could go back and see her now .
2 ‘ They were when I left them this morning ’
3 ‘ And I 'm sure he would have reciprocated the pleasure , mus , especially if you 'd still been in the same state of undress as you were when I left you .
4 It is true that primary schools are providing a better educational service ( with the possible exceptions of spelling and mental arithmetic ) than they were when I began teaching in 1948 .
5 Inevitably I shot many animals to feed myself and my retainers , but the memorable occasions were when I hunted dangerous game or tried to secure a really fine head of a rare or elusive animal , like this mountain nyala .
6 And an hour or two later I shall leave them feeling considerably older and wiser than they were when I started .
7 That was how I 'd got used to it , at any rate , ’
8 It was how I 'd always imagined showbiz would be — far removed from the stark reality of Working Men 's Clubs .
9 I 'd had a stable home at the price of her martyrdom and this was how I 'd repaid her .
10 I tried to explain to Irena that I did n't mind , that this was how I felt it should be — the real Central Europe — and anyway I preferred that kind of place to ordered museums and shining monuments .
11 No doubt I was jealous , and I was certainly intolerant , but it is no good denying that was how I felt .
12 ‘ Oh , shit , ’ I then said , because that was how I felt and because I suddenly knew that the next few minutes were going to be extraordinarily difficult .
13 Shocked was how I felt .
14 That was how I got named Yellow Wolf .
15 That was how I got started .
16 That was how I got to know Nikolai Nikolaevich Khardzhiev .
17 That was how I got remanded in custody when I was only fifteen .
18 Since then my ( now ex- ) girlfriend was really good mates with the two of them cos she was in their year ( Yes I know I 'm a paedophile ) so that was how I got to go to their 18th birthday parties and Al 's leaving do .
19 So that was how I came to have a new dress and boots and a real ribbon for my hair instead of the usual string .
20 And that was how I came to join the Western Mail and stayed from 1958 to 61 , during which time the ownership changed from Kemsleys to Thomsons .
21 So that was how I came to sit at the Gorengs ' dining-table with Master Goreng and Longman 's standard conversational texts before us .
22 That was how I heard Old Red had been as angry as Sister over the Charlie Peters affair , and had said as much to Dr Jones .
23 That was how I saw it : Henry and Louisa Agnew , long dead but mysteriously alive under this mountain of paper , were one team ; Edward and I the other .
24 The next problem was how to deliver it , since I sat at the back in English ( our next lesson ) and Belinda sat at the front — which was how I knew that her hair touched her chair !
25 ‘ It was how I knew you were coming .
26 This was how I met Mrs Allen .
27 Mrs Webster was very understanding about my wanting to team up with Wendy , which was how I put it to her ; and when I left she gave me a Victorian glass inkwell and a brown ironstone plate , because I ‘ liked old things ’ .
28 That was how I perceived it , in wordless ways in my head , in my gut .
29 Ernest , Alfred , Louis , Max : the band of students , that was how I thought of them .
30 That day and later at Ascot , rocketing clear in all his glory was how I want to remember the great Nijinsky .
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