Example sentences of "[was/were] [that] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah well at the end of the day I mean I I was n't there but a the facts at the end of the day were that they 'd been buggering about with that radio system which they should n't do .
2 The only difference from the literary effusions of today 's superstars were that he wrote without benefit of a ‘ ghost ’ .
3 His defects were that he lacked subtlety , was vehemently anti-communist to the point where any unrest or dissent might be regarded as a sign of communist activity , and that he lacked preparation for the tasks he faced .
4 The grounds were that he had used up his grant entitlement in qualifying to be a teacher .
5 The principal charges against Latimer were that he had made improper profits out of the campaign in Brittany and that he was responsible for the loss of Bécherel and Saint-Sauveur .
6 Jarvis Stringer 's grandparents ' qualifications for keeping a school were that he had been up at Oxford where he had read Greats and she had left Goldsmith 's College halfway through her teacher training .
7 Now the son , Paul , would replace this patriarch merchant , about whom the kindest words an outsider might have offered were that he had an ability to survive and prosper and stay as far away from conflict as possible .
8 We did not tell him how glad we were that he had stayed away from the moor !
9 The conditions were that he resides at Handley Green , Laindon , reports daily to Laindon police station and does not enter Clacton .
10 Subjective reports on the effects of reduced sleep were that it produced a chronic feeling of sleepiness ( as measured by the Stanford Sleepiness Scale questionnaire ) , and , perhaps not surprisingly , increased the feeling of needing more sleep .
11 The crucial weaknesses of the South Korean army on the eve of the Korean War were that it lacked the range and quality of the equipment possessed by the North Korean forces and that the leadership of the North Korean army was inspired by a fanaticism unequalled by those fighting for Syngman Rhee .
12 Traffic through the Mersey tunnels was down 4.9pc in the year ending in April but a spokesman said indications were that it had regained 3pc of that business in the first few months of this year .
13 He argues , for instance , that the intrinsic advantages of the Greek adaptation of the Semitic writing system were that it became ‘ easy , explicit and unambiguous ’ .
14 Its fundamental differences to the original Illustrator product were that it simplified the user interface both by the introduction of a freehand tool and the classification of anchor points into line , corner and curve types while simultaneously introducing the benefits of colour .
15 Ziegler ( 1978 ) , in his discussion of the Mass Observation records on the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 , records that the two most commonly cited reasons for supporting the coronation were that it created wealth and that it united the nation .
16 The particular benefits of this approach for this study were that it provided quantitative data on important treatment/intervention issues in a population where group-comparison studies alone would be inappropriate , because of the individual nature of each person 's challenging behaviour and the small number of potential subjects .
17 The implications were that I had no physical characteristics of my own , but that in the same way as I ‘ had ’ my father 's nose , or my grandmother 's eyes , I somehow inhabited a body which was not mine but a replica of my mother 's , and over which , therefore , I had no control .
18 The only problems encountered were that I tended to catch my chin on the high foam on the front and shoulder elastic was slightly against skin .
19 There were one or two that were that I think were a little bit careless and did n't quite get the construction correct for them .
20 We knew the weather conditions were calm enough inshore but fresher on the other side of the Channel so the indications were that she had probably crossed from France overnight .
21 His final words were that she needed a nice long holiday after a few days in bed .
22 Aaron Wildavsky argued that while PPBS had many shortcomings , the fundamental reason for its demise was that no-one knew how to do programme budgeting .
23 The general opinion was yes , but certain it was that no-one had ever seen her .
24 Sean ( Hallam ) Blowers chips in : ‘ The brilliant thing about Backdraft was that no-one had actually done a film about firemen before . ’
25 The main problem was that everyone seemed to assume that Gouzenko was an expert on every facet of Russian intelligence operations .
26 My only memory of those auditions was that everyone seemed to have a better idea of why they were perfect for each particular part than I did !
27 But whatever the reason , whether it was that everyone had been so busy reassuring everyone that no one had bothered to talk to the crematorium , whether they had got the time wrong , or whether the vicar had simply had a brainstorm , he now , you could tell , was dimly aware that he had not given an exemplary performance .
28 But it was pleasant to feel safe and looked-after , and another nice thing was that nobody remarked on , or even appeared to notice my absence of rings — except the Matron , who was inclined to toss her head a bit as she passed me , but perhaps she just had a tic .
29 One slight advantage of all this was that nobody had time to consider the fate of L Detachment .
30 The alarming thing was that what had started as a lively discussion , had somehow gone sour on the two girls .
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