Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were not very young , and from the back-slapping and laughter I could see through the glass rear doors in fine form .
2 These districts were not very fruitful in peat , and they would have to carry them from a distance of many miles ; in some cases a pavement of large stones led from the main road to the door of the dwelling .
3 Such events , however , were not very frequent — a whole year might pass without one — and so the only additional earnings he could usually rely on were his winnings at the weekly bridge school .
4 The results were not very impressive : traditional policies were simply abandoned , while , for every intractable problem , a new quango was proposed .
5 Non-aqueous systems resisted corrosion , but were not very efficient .
6 They were not very efficient , the people who prepared you in London .
7 He made it clear to Law that he did not think that Law was well qualified to be leader and that he reserved the right to contest any future vacancy , but Austen was too loyal a man to conspire ; relations were not very friendly , but there was total cooperation .
8 Richard 's parents were also in favour of this proposal as they were not very keen on their son entering the Christian Ministry .
9 It was extremely difficult for the USA to devalue since all currencies were expressed in terms of the dollar , and yet surplus countries were not very keen to revalue their currencies .
10 Um y'know all these things were not very pleasant and yet you 're used as a child , you 're used as a child to have grown-ups um be able to inflict things on you .
11 We were not very wide across the shoulder at that time of day . ’
12 The first attempts in 1953 were not very successful .
13 In general his foregrounds were not very successful and indeed often seem an irrelevant hangover from his classical training .
14 We were not very successful in doing this , although an officer of the Department , U Sein Ywet , was charged with the task of getting in touch with abbots and monks .
15 The argument was that fiscal and monetary policies could be used to achieve the government 's objectives as regards full employment and the balance of payments ( although such policies were not very successful in that they gave rise to stop — go ) , and that incomes policies could be used to contain the inflationary consequences .
16 It is possible that there was an improvement when the copper veins at Coniston and Tilberthwaite began to be worked , though the latter were not very successful as it turned out .
17 Perhaps there were not very many of them after all ?
18 The songs were not very good , with irregular rhymes and metres , but included oddities such as a lengthy ballad recounting the adventures of the characters of Dallas .
19 Things were not very good in those days , and the financial situation was very worrying .
20 Were actually are making a profit we said at the beginning we do get a payment from petticoats so I do n't see that arrangement actually changing but it suits the trust were not very good at running restaurant 's . .
21 The Saturday 's performances of The Hooded Owl were not very good .
22 He knew perfectly well that they were not very good prizes and that he would have done better to lay out his money at Woolworth 's , but he did not wish to hear Emmie telling him so .
23 They were not very good at the , he had forgotten all the best bits .
24 Richards had to acknowledge that what he called ‘ the relatively cultivated youth of our age ’ were not very familiar with poetry .
25 For half of Oxfordshire teachers , outsiders were not very involved and for a further quarter not involved at all .
26 ‘ You were not very convincing , perhaps , ’ Markios said .
27 They were not very varied — ‘ Juliet in front of a shop … and here 's Juliet in this bar place … and this one 's of Juliet sitting on a rock … and here 's Juliet in a boat — that was the day we went for a boat trip … . ’
28 They did try to kill the piglet , but as they were quite frightened and obviously not from the right background , they were not very practical about it .
29 Some of the growth looked old but the trees themselves were not very substantial .
30 Early steam engines were not very suitable for powering canal boats because of their large size .
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