Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 During the months of recuperation and the months of rediscovering himself as a changed person , a quick-tempered , irritable person , nervous and hypochondriacal , Tom thought of sex and love as remote concepts that were not for him , that were ridiculous for him to consider .
2 If it were not for them he would not be free , he said .
3 Even when the first owners were crushed and dead , their things were not for you .
4 And remember , Rene , you were n't for me putting that on show , were you ?
5 Where would you be now if it were n't for me ?
6 ‘ If it were n't for me giving you a roof over your head after your mother had the gall to die on me , you would have ended up in the bloody workhouse !
7 ‘ If it were n't for me old bones and the fact that I might be overlooked when the bidding starts , I would n't want you within a mile of that sale room .
8 And if he turns round and says owt , I 'll say , Ian if were n't for me your kids would be naked .
9 No , but they were n't for them , cos they , does n't really matter , they 've got so much pocket out of gas But the Gas is erm , make them increase prices at five per cent less than the rate of inflation that way .
10 His restlessness permeated the entire house , and she felt guilty , certain that her presence was tying him to Gullholm , that if it were n't for her he would go home , or visit one or other of his sisters or his mother , all of whom made regular telephone calls .
11 Externalisation or blaming — accepting that there are significant problems but blaming anything other than alcohol or drug use for their cause : " If it were n't for you I 'd be okay " .
12 ‘ If it were n't for you I 'd never have been out there in the first place . ’
13 ‘ If it were n't for you I 'd have been fish-food by now . ’
14 But it was not for her ;
15 Marriage was not for her , she told herself .
16 Such a false position was not for her , nor for her was the taunt of cowardice , so she smiled and assented , and allowed him to drag her into the sparsest area of the room .
17 The policewoman shot her a look which said that it was not for her to say so , even if she , herself , had been thinking it .
18 It was not for her to criticise him .
19 She had tried to enter the world of light , but it was not for her .
20 He had banged his glass on the table and it was not for her to disobey .
21 And as certainly as she knew these things , Cassie also knew that however it was that Johnny got his kicks , it was not for her .
22 If he felt that his work lay here , it was not for her to question his decision , but she sometimes wished that something might happen to make him change his mind .
23 No , it was not for her .
24 If it was not for her , this Council would have had more opportunity of addressing some of the deep problems the Tories either created or left behind .
25 It was not for me to tell him .
26 I decided that it was not for me and moved over to accountancy — I had always been reasonable at maths — working for the Co-op and attending college part time .
27 However , it was not for me to tell him how to treat his advisers , and half an hour later three civil servants arrived with their notebooks whereupon I dictated my suggestions to them .
28 Resented by the air crews as well as the travelling public , it was not a good atmosphere in which to work , and I very soon decided it was not for me .
29 It did so badly afterwards that I decided racing was not for me .
30 I was enjoying it , but I just decided this was not for me
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