Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 A chain of fishermen were unloading baskets of crabs from a boat moored against the quay ; beyond this others sat mending their nets in the sunshine , and further along signs extolled holidaymakers to experience the splendours of deep-sea fishing .
2 According to Scott , by 1909 the top 100 manufacturing companies were producing 15% of total output , and by 1930 26% .
3 Kuwait and Iraq together contain 29% of the Gulf 's oil reserves and , up to 1990 , were producing 27% of the Gulf 's total output .
4 These poems along with many others in a similar vein , show that working people were articulating aspects of their experience in verse .
5 The Yugoslav news agency , Tanjug , reported that about 5,000 students were building barricades of garbage cans in front of the Intercontinental Hotel .
6 There were two hand-hewn wooden chests , one filled with grain , the other with cloth : there were cooking pots of all sizes , with their bottoms blackened from the fire : there were shiny brass plates and bowls : there were iron cooking tripods , agricultural tools , winnowing fans , pestles , balls of wool and spindles , rugs , blankets , clothes : there was Kalchu 's locked box where he kept money and bits of broken jewellery .
7 The Congress of People 's Deputies voted overwhelmingly in favour of renaming the Russian Federation ‘ Russia ’ , but within minutes members from the republics which make up the huge state were demanding restoration of the word ‘ federation ’ .
8 Watching the editing of the Brahms Second Symphony I must say I forgot I was watching a film , simply because I was fascinated to hear new colours which the eye was suggesting by the way you were using shots of the violas and the trombones at some of the quietest moments in the work .
9 We were n't exactly holding our breath for the arrival of these Lakewood flat-top guitars , but within five minutes of the boxes being opened , the two of them — and one of them in particular — were drawing noises of appreciation from all present .
10 Gooch even turned to the rarely-seen legspin of Robin Smith either side of lunch as England strained for the breakthrough , but Wright and Jones were proving models of self-denial .
11 The slaves were bringing cups of chilled wine to the long table .
12 Nevertheless the HMI secondary survey expressed some disquiet at the complexity of option schemes and the resulting individual curricula so generated , in addition to their general concern about the extent of the ‘ core ’ ( too many pupils were discontinuing study of important subjects well before the end of their schooling ) .
13 But another quite plausible explanation presents itself : here was a lady whose role in life was changing , whose function as a mother and whose status — if we may call it that — as a widow were becoming things of the past .
14 There are some references to other forms of metal-working in the country ; most notably in the early sixteenth century the areas around Dudley and Birmingham in the Midlands , were becoming centres of ironwork , and there were further developments in such manufacturing at Sheffield where its history goes back further .
15 BY the time Mark Wright lifted the FA Cup on Saturday even those outside the North-East were becoming sick of the spoon-fed memories of 1973 .
16 By the early nineteenth century both were becoming staples of working-class diet .
17 Both were founding members of the popular organization , the BPR , in 1975 .
18 Erm We have n't I do n't think got minutes of the previous , I do n't think we were keeping minutes of these meetings .
19 The civil case had been brought by relatives of the victims who were seeking damages of more than US$300 million from Pan Am which went into bankruptcy in January 1991 , ceasing operations in December [ see pp. 38123 ; 38699 ] .
20 The member countries of the European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) were seeking establishment of a wider European economic space ( EEC ) in which they would have a " close and structured partnership " with the EC [ see p. 37535 ] , although it remained possible that other EFTA member countries besides Austria would opt to seek full EC membership .
21 New Zealand police said on Nov. 26 that they were seeking extradition of an alleged French secret agent , Gerald Andries , who had been arrested in Basel , Switzerland , on a warrant issued in New Zealand on charges of murder and conspiracy .
22 Equally obviously the questioners were seeking confirmation of the rituals they believed had taken place ; rituals that included real or simulated sexual acts between adults and children in the hours of darkness ; acts that included ritualistic music , dance and dress .
23 No train services were operating west of Swansea , West Glamorgan , and the main rail link between the South-West and London was again broken when the River Exe flooded at a bridge outside Exeter .
24 The former officers in question were serving sentences of 20 years or more , imposed in 1975 .
25 They were selling bits of turf to keep going .
26 Police were investigating reports of windows being broken at the pub .
27 VAUXHALL 's 4,500 Ellesmere Port workers were celebrating news of a major slice of a £17m Government contract last night while management were delighted at the confidence placed in their Astra car , estate and van production .
28 It was really wider economic and sociological factors which were expunging memories of the ‘ winter of discontent ’ and uncontrolled union power , rather than the policies of the Thatcher government , which in this early period were broadly non-confrontational .
29 Even if we were to order the repayment of the whole sum at once , the amount would be less than if you were paying tax of a lawful fifteenth of your movable goods .
30 A film which apparently did touch the spirit was King Kong , though we do not know whether Jack found it quite as exciting as Warnie did : ‘ There were astounding representations of the various prehistoric monsters , ’ Warnie confided breathlessly to his diary .
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