Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , even by February 1989 when the first meetings with Jones took place , where Jones was claiming to see neutrons — a sure sign of fusion — Fleischmann and Pons were seeing only heat .
2 Several of my old shipmates from earlier years were now established on the cutters and were building up reputations as excellent navigators , boat handlers or engineers , as well as hitting the headlines occasionally with notable seizures or rescues at sea .
3 The great kings , Philip of France and Edward of England , were building up nation states .
4 Well I knew they were building there years ago !
5 Men were bellowing fortissimo women screaming in order to be heard but Charity 's voice was cutting through the uproar effortlessly .
6 Confirmation that ministers were drawing up plans for local government and judicial reform was enough to satisfy many .
7 We were drawing up plans .
8 The European Communities ( EC ) were drawing up proposals to control the export of chemicals used in cocaine production and guidelines for member states on controlling money-laundering by drug traffickers .
9 According to their latest results they were eating up backlog last quarter .
10 You know guys were bringing in deals I was going out and selling
11 And so and we were bringing in deals and they were phoning the clients back and saying , Look yeah great alarm systems blah blah we have an alternative one cheaper .
12 The servants were bringing in bowls of fruit , junkets of cream , plates of thin pastries , sugar-filled doucettes , and jellies formed in exquisite shapes of castles , swans and horses .
13 Helicopters were bringing in supplies and evacuating the wounded from the blockaded city .
14 Maura said you were driving up north . ’
15 The last time I saw prisons like that was in northern Iraq , when the Kurds were knocking down doors and killing guards , freeing men and women who had seen daylight in years .
16 They were knocking back drinks as if there were no tomorrow .
17 In other words , the world was too complicated to be comprehended in systems , but the trouble was that the chaologists were oversystematising even chaos .
18 As they were walking up Buller 's Hill Bourne asked him , ‘ Why do n't you use your car , sir ? ’
19 Baghdad declared that its forces were mopping up west of Fish Lake , having ‘ purged ’ the lake of the first and second waves of Iranians to cross .
20 When I investigated , I found that the long microphone lines across the stage were picking up BBC Radio 2 .
21 She thought she saw the Germans still working in the fields , and now they were picking up potatoes from the muddy ground .
22 Macaques were picking up potatoes , taking them to the sea , and washing the sand off the potatoes ; they used one hand to dip the potato into the sea , and the other to brush the sand off .
23 A couple of inmates were picking up leaves from around the graves , sweeping them into a large black sack .
24 ‘ People were picking up bolt cutters for as little as £4 .
25 Not having worked on a Dalek story since the first one , Cusick was concerned that the creatures were apparently mobile outside their metal cities without any explanation as to how they were picking up power .
26 ‘ They were training up people for the university , teaching me Latin .
27 One thousand years ago the Mayans were cranking out codices not dissimilar to today 's illustrations .
28 Margaret and Jack Carolan , from Huyton , had sneaked a camera inside and were snapping off shots as keepsakes .
29 Suddenly the people , his people , were expressing only loathing for all that he had achieved in his thirty-seven years on the throne .
30 Most were writing up reports between assignments , or busy making arrangements by telephone .
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