Example sentences of "[was/were] [num] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 There were six of those in the first section of the compartment .
2 When unoccupied parents were combined with classes IV and V and compared with classes I and II , however , inequalities seemed to be pervasive throughout childhood ; the relative risks were 2.21 for those aged 1–4 and 1.98 for those aged 10–15 .
3 It was torture and you were one of those who suffered most .
4 An ordinary shut door , for example , would not be opaque to you , if you were one of those species of bat or whale who relied heavily upon detection of sound waves !
5 And I ca n't say I have the slightest sympathy for them , and I would also guess that you were one of those caught with their financial trousers down . ’
6 ‘ I thought — am I wrong ? — that you were one of those who voted for Duke William as heir .
7 Sales were four times those of the next highest country ( USA ) and the number of employees was 1·7 times the next highest ( FRG ) .
8 The association of periodontal index and total mortality reflects the findings of the periodontal classification ; the relative risk was 1.53 for those at the 90th centile compared with those below the lowest decile of the distribution of the index .
9 I can not say that my school days were particularly happy ones and I was not sorry to leave when I got to the official leaving age , which was fourteen in those days .
10 The number of visits was strongly related to the number of visitors : of those with less than five visitors , a quarter had a hundred or more visits , but this proportion was three-quarters for those with five or more visitors .
11 The Anniversary Organising Committee had felt that a clock should be commissioned to replace the one which had been stolen , and perhaps because I have for some years specialised in the reproduction of historic clocks , my name was one of those considered .
12 For him it was a matter of great moment , for he was one of those artists who hold that the energy of artistic creation is itself erotic , indeed ( in his most extreme formulations ) positively genital .
13 It was one of those rare occasions when neither of the Whitaker brothers reached the jump-off , but Skelton still had 11 to beat .
14 He was one of those relatively few actors — Ian McKellen and Simon Callow are others — who somehow boost the confidence of regular theatregoers by taking the opportunity of a free evening to watch fellow actors at work .
15 IT WAS one of those days which news editors will remember on their death-beds .
16 It was one of those Bolshevik instruments of nation-wide control which will be studied in the next chapter .
17 The Bishop 's Hostel at Lincoln was one of those mid-Victorian foundations intended to train future clergymen .
18 I did not know what ‘ cinema ’ was , it was one of those wonderful and unimaginable pleasures like La Semaine de Suzette and its doll Bleuette , which the war had taken away .
19 It was one of those gorgeous early mornings when the sun has just risen but it 's still dark enough to see the brightest stars .
20 Phoebe continually meant to buy blinds , blinds that would be ingeniously fitted into little runnels either side of the glass slopes , but it was one of those domestic chores that she had never managed to complete .
21 The interesting thing about him is that he was one of those people who always turn out to be lucky no matter what they do .
22 Tiberius was one of those men you are warned to flee from and report to the police when they arrive offering sweets .
23 He was one of those men of whom the historian Edward Gibbon , who wrote the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , reported their disgusting activities ‘ in the decent obscurity of a learned language . ’
24 Sir Ian was one of those who considered putting himself forward as a candidate , but did n't when Sir Anthony Meyer declared himself .
25 ‘ It was one of those rough days , ’ Cooney admitted with a bruise under his left eye and a shining , tight patch of skin on his very large nose .
26 ‘ It was one of those rough days , ’ Cooney admitted with a bruise under his left eye and a shining , tight patch of skin on his very large nose .
27 My own father ( 1897-1940 ) was one of those who , although he had a brilliant mind , came from a large , poor , working-class family .
28 It was one of those very profound observations which was misunderstood at the time but is now widely accepted by Roman Catholic scholars among others .
29 June was one of those characters who do n't develop .
30 She alighted at the ‘ unmanned ’ station with its empty flowerbeds : it was one of those magic spring days in the midst of autumn and there was a tangy scent of wood in the air from the sawmill beside the railway line .
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