Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] by those " in BNC.

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1 These words were treasured by those present at the death-bed and recorded for the benefit of those unavoidably absent .
2 The hon. Gentleman illustrated his argument graphicaly , and so shall I. No hon. Member will forget the riots in Trafalgar square and elsewhere in the country that were provoked by those opposed to a system of taxation endorsed by Parliament .
3 KILLARROW AND KILMENY The minister and many of the congregation of the quod sacra church of Kilmeny " came out " in 1843 ; and were joined by those who left the parish church of Killarrow .
4 On Dec. 21 , in Alma Ata ( Kazakhstan ) , the leaders of the republics who had met in Minsk and Askhabad were joined by those of Moldova and the trans-Caucasian republics of Azerbaijan and Armenia .
5 It can be seen from Table 3.4 that the students returning initial destinations questionnaires to IMS were dominated by those studying computing : six in ten were completing computing Advanced Courses .
6 They were disliked by those whose ideal was a more flexible school , even if they were unclear about the means of attaining it , and that dislike extended to arrangements which classified children by ability , placing he more and the less able in separate streams .
7 The biggest contrasts in Ken 's behaviour — and indeed in his life were seen by those who had worked with him elsewhere .
8 The androids stopped , staggered , tripped , were pushed by those still advancing from the rear .
9 Both came near success , but , in the end , were defeated by those in the US Administration , who believed fervently in the preservation of the American monopoly , and who considered that sharing with Britain constituted too great a risk to American security .
10 Thus , Dip.AD courses were subsumed by those leading to the award of a BA degree with honours and the one to two years higher diploma courses to an MA degree .
11 His thoughts were matched by those of Baldwin and of the other senior ministers .
12 This being found somewhat lukewarm , somewhat unsatisfying and unsatisfactory , the formulation was amended and became : that Bert and Jasper were empowered by those present to offer support to the Irish revolutionaries , and ask to be given concrete tasks .
13 I was not alone in the way I identified with the saga of the March family , nor was I alone in identifying with Jo ( and presumably all readers do ) in her hurts and disappointments , her longings for femininity that clashed with her dreams of independence and achievement ; and in wishing for the ultimate fairness of all things as they were shaped by those nineteenth century moral certainties .
14 Even if our recommendations were adopted by those undertaking economic evaluations and those constructing league tables , however , decision makers should still exercise the appropriate caution , care , and intelligence .
15 Similar assumptions were made by those authorities , like the London County Council , which had for some years been committed to the development of comprehension .
16 A mood of relaxed and optimistic nostalgia was abroad , and gentler songs were sung by those who flocked to see Salad Days :
17 Harrison and his friends gave a rousing version of his Beatles composition , Taxman , in which the names of former prime ministers Mr Heath and Mr Wilson were replaced by those of Mr Major and Mr Kinnock .
18 In other respects the options were very different from each other speeds fell greatly in option two and three areas , and the most positive street images were experienced by those in option two .
19 In the analysis above , the assumption was that all of the benefits were experienced by those residents in the locality ( i.e. in the club ) .
20 Not just unmetrical poets like Pound ( for the most part ) and Bunting , but also a strictly metrical poet like the later Yvor Winters , came to think that the finest auditory effects in English-language verse were attained by those poets who attended to the quantitative elements in British or American speech as an incalculable dimension super-added to the recognized and calculable dimensions of syllable-count and stresscount .
21 Certain it is , in stormy weather , from any point of the compass you will have a blow on Stormy Hill , and it does further seem as if it were tenanted by those who in the voyage of life have weathered storms quite as real , — long sickness , pinching poverty , and mayhap , in some cases , that very terrible malady when it becomes chronic , a disinclination to regular work ; and their present lot is one of storms , — few comforts and short allowance even of the needs of life within doors , and the wintry blasts without ; and failing health and increasing age give small prospect of much more of the sunshine or fewer of the blasts on this side of the dark River Jordan .
22 Divisions of colour and region/ nation were accompanied by those of gender .
23 But they were obvious to most people , even though they were magnified by those who did n't know him well .
24 His Celtic tones were complemented by those of Jim Naughtie himself , who had set up shop in an attic room of the Grand , but who had been spending much of the ‘ happy hour ’ between six and seven trawling for ‘ vox pop ’ .
25 The checklists were devised by those involved in the project .
26 A full description of the type of meal and cost was given and no particular feelings were expressed by those present .
27 All these problems , and a good deal more , were faced by those drama Directors whose programmes were scheduled for production using Lime Grove 's facilities .
28 This chapter will therefore examine also whether the action project had any effect upon cognitive impairment ( Did it help to delay deterioration , or even improve , mental state ? ) ; whether dementia sufferers in the action project expressed less worry , sadness , loneliness than those in the control samples ; whether the project helped people to maintain their capacity to cope with certain tasks or activities of daily living ; and finally whether it succeeded in obtaining more of other community services for its clients than were obtained by those in the control sample ( eg more home help , meals-on-wheels , day care , home nursing , and so on ) .
29 Good results were obtained by those who completed their courses and at least 74.3% had at the time progressed satisfactorily ( 460 students ) .
30 In the inquiries into the deaths of children like Maria Colwell , Jasmine Beckford and Kimberley Carlile ( DHSS , 1982 ; Blom-Cooper , 1986 , 1987 ) the observation has been repeatedly made that children who were known to be ‘ at risk ’ were failed by those given the statutory duty to protect them , because of poor communication , mistakes about knowing who was ( or was not ) responsible for undertaking particular tasks , and , it has to be admitted , professional rivalries and jealousies .
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