Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] both for " in BNC.

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1 But the centres which were the linchpin of the movement were criticized both for erring too much on the side of prevention — tackling such issues as racism , poverty and education in the communities served , and for doing too little prevention , this arising from the affiliation of most of them to general and mental hospitals .
2 When the scholars were invited to comment on the style and technique of the Kouros similar arguments and points were made both for and against .
3 Entries were selected from books published between April 1991 and April 1992 and were assessed both for their scholarship and accessibility to the general reader .
4 Balcon was forced off the CFC , where places were found both for Alexander Korda , who shared the new mogul 's enthusiasm for ‘ bigger and bigger films , ’ and for Rank himself .
5 There is a third sister in this euphonious family : Marina , the baptised name of Malinche , mistress of Cortèz , through whose good offices and linguistic skills Mexico was conquered both for the Virgin Maria , and for Marina 's royal ancestors .
6 The revenue from the ivory was used both for personal gain and as a means of channelling funds to the guerrillas .
7 The latter was needed both for its general utility and so that " we can survive outside Europe " .
8 The Plume at the Regent Hotel was noted both for its ‘ unbeatable view ’ and for its prix impitoyables .
9 A dilemma was posed both for the new Queen and for the Archbishop .
10 The use by the Prime Minister of powers under the royal prerogative to ban trade unions at the Government Communication Headquarters at Cheltenham in 1983 was contested both for its lawfulness — that is whether such powers could be used and if so whether they were used correctly — and also for its legitimacy that is whether , even if the constitutional power existed , this was a proper and fair use of the power .
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