Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A few sequences were eventually used in BT in modified or abbreviated form .
2 These were widely used as disinfectants and the crystals in particular for treatment of snakebite after Dr Lacerda recommended potassium permanganate for this purpose in 1881 .
3 As in stone-built barns , slits were widely used in brick structures and they were generally arranged in rows .
4 Plastics — that here leave little to the imagination — were widely used in fashion .
5 But the great majority of the class , including all those with typical saw-blade profiles ( graptoloids ) which were widely used in the dating of rocks , certainly lacked any kind of rooting structure .
6 The committee recognised that both ‘ f ’ and ‘ ph ’ spellings were widely used in English texts and made no specific recommendation .
7 The earliest period in which garden ornaments were widely used in England was the Tudor age , when wooden columns painted in the armorial colours of the garden 's owner were surmounted by carved beasts of heraldic significance .
8 PCBs were widely used in electrical transformers and capacitors until they were banned in 1977 .
9 Reports of the importation of 2,000 Israeli Uzi submachine guns and Galil assault rifles three weeks before the coup , and which were widely used by rebel soldiers , lent credence to this view .
10 Supplies of red stones were already available in the form of garnets , and it is known that these were much used by Hellenistic and Roman jewellers .
11 Latin motets , particularly the shorter and simpler ones by Lassus and Gallus ( Handl ) , were much used by the Lutheran church .
12 It is widely agreed that such psychoactive plants or preparations from them were much used in religious ceremonies , where their effects were taken as evidence for religious reality ; visions of Paradise which could be reached only by the faithful .
13 Though they were much used in Baroque times for aria accompaniment , they have largely fallen out of use , and as the chaconne construction is an art and study in itself we can make no more than a passing mention here .
14 This was an additional trimming to the single horse-mowing machines ( 3ft. –4ft wide ) which were daily used on the course by the club 's own employees .
15 This was at a time when cylinders were only used for dictation purposes , not for recording music , and a speed of about 100 revolutions per minute was found adequate .
16 He converted the first two into toilets and the others were only used for customers , invariably foreign journalists who were too drunk to drive home .
17 If all the chambers were as long as this , or if they were only used by people who had gone down deep into them , then his search would take months .
18 Murray 's Handbook repeatedly warned white passengers that particular stations were only used by Indians .
19 We had a lot of walking to do , bicycles were only used by the policemen on the outskirts of the borough .
20 Richard Fynes noted that : ‘ The men were sufficiently endowed with natural interest to be observant of the effect of wind upon the ventilation of the mines , and even as late as 1822 , before barometers and thermometers were generally used in the pits to indicate the state of the temperature , if the wind were blowing from the southeast threatening rain , the men refused to work . ’
21 Many electric fires were thus used as intermittent bedroom heating at night , or to heat the main room on cooler spring or autumn evenings when the coal fire had not been needed during the day .
22 Until last year the accounting systems were largely used as a means of record , not for planning .
23 I replied that as far as I was concerned his terms and conditions of employment were best used as a rectal implant preferably without benefit of anaesthetic , which roused him to suggest that perhaps the whole matter would best be served by being turned over to the florid authority of Her Majesty 's Judiciary , via PC Plod , or at the very least to some banal tribunal vested with the right to dilly-dally over contretemps between master and servant .
24 American women , they learned , did not much care for murky colours but wanted bright yellows and apple greens , vibrant colours which were hardly used at all in Europe .
25 LEAKED memoranda from the Department of the Environment were yesterday used by Labour to protest at the alleged abuse of civil service time to cost Labour 's programme .
26 Elder , Sambucus Nigra , will produce dull blue , lavender and purples ; marigold petals were once used for colouring butter and cheese , and the common dandelion supplies pink .
27 Inside the fence were six palm-frond houses identical to those which were once used in the old Abu Dhabi .
28 They are like small chambers ; they were once used by pirates , only His Grace , the late King , cleared them out with fire , sword , and gallows .
29 Mr Maclean was taken across to the National Trust 's new property by ferry and given a tour of the wildlife habitats and the crumbling buildings , some of which were once used by Barnes Wallis in the development of the bouncing bomb of Dambusters fame .
30 The jarrah timbers from the tracks were gradually used in the repair of lock gates .
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