Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The next few weeks were busy one for all the Pack and their mothers , who baked and stitched and sewed , and listened to recitations and lines from plays that were to be performed by the Brownies , and answered their questions about this , that and the other , and tried to put their sudden doubts and fears at rest .
2 DAVID MELLOR has gone to the back benches nursing the belief that since he told John Major all about his expenses-paid holiday it made it okay and if life were fair none of us should have considered him out of order .
3 They altered the noise levels , and the lighting levels at mealtimes and were surprised themselves at the dramatic effect on behaviour — less agitation , reduced noise from the patients , shorter feeding times , and greater consumption of food .
4 The hot shine must have cut to black as he was soft-footing it up the stairs , because when he turned around on the half-landing and crouched behind the angle of the banister the only light in the hall was the inward spill from the porch , and that was getting less as the door slowly closed on its hydraulic arm .
5 What happened was the man erm went to sleep and while he was asleep something in the room fell on his neck .
6 Charley was high himself by then .
7 It was clear which of them was the leader — broad-shouldered and heavily built , he lifted the knife menacingly and said , ‘ Where d' you keep it ?
8 She did not really care whether people listened or not ; she was interested herself in what she was saying , and she was quite happy to potter about from bench to bench watching people writing their diaries when they should have been writing up their experiments .
9 Her brother Jeff was guiding them alongside the jetty now .
10 I was afraid something like this would happen . ’
11 ‘ I was afraid something like this might happen to you . ’
12 ‘ I was afraid something like this might happen if I did n't get here first .
13 As soon as Waite vanished , the trail went cold , because the first thing his kidnappers did was separate him from his briefcase .
14 He was frightening everyone with his foul temper .
15 And she was promising nothing to him , either ; he knew that was what she meant , but he did not ask for anything .
16 Macca said in his column , that nobody knew about the deal until it was all but completed and said he was sure everyone at Leeds and the supporters would wish him great success at Blackburn .
17 Although Carlson felt there was some connection with the chaos and anarchy erupting over the Althosian system he was sure none of the Freedom Party supporters would have devised such a ruthless method for annihilating the elite .
18 There was much talk in the coffee shops about the new film James Dean was working on , called Rebel Without a Cause ; Brando was stunning everyone with his performance in On the Waterfront .
19 Daniel patted his wife again and tried to reassure her , although he was worried himself about Billy 's wellbeing .
20 When you come out of role to reflect on what 's been going on your questions might include : " What led you to believe the carpenter was nervous/hiding something from us ? "
21 Naturally , she 'd heard of this legendary Tech-Green , and was disappointed someone of such intelligence and vision had allowed maudlin dross to get in the way of his career .
22 His brief relationship with a page three girl Julie Desmond hit the skids when the press revealed that the bold Frank was two-timing her for another model , Anita Blue .
23 She was unconcerned herself with my scholastic interest in theology .
24 There was sweet nothing in the way of nectar and what duped flowers had burst out of the ground were in for a shock when the frosts came .
25 I was surprised it to , we well going to this place yesterday er , on the directions we were with Tammy , she was reading them out and we come off the M twenty
26 Indeed Maiden was competitive which on the first leg may have come as a surprise to the girls .
27 If she really was dead none of them mattered anyway .
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