Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] even [subord] " in BNC.

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1 If normal good sleepers are woken from Stage I sleep or Stage 2 sleep , and asked whether they were awake or asleep , they tend to report definitely feeling asleep only In Stage 2 sleep , " 2 although this is not necessarily true for poor sleepers , who may deny they were asleep even when the EEG traces show clear signs of Stage 2 sleep .
2 Faced by such diverse interpretations of the new adversary , the Reagan Presidency in 1985 , rather than return to Kissinger 's ideal of ‘ linkage ’ in a period of détente , decided to pursue a policy of ‘ constructive confrontation ’ with Moscow , accepting that certain agreements with Russia were possible even if she remained a rival on the world stage .
3 The Lords held that the boys were guilty even though they did not realise that what they were doing might harm others .
4 The council knew we were overcrowded even before Shelley came .
5 Where the jurisdictional fact is framed in open textured subjective terms , as in the above example , that is not possible ; the court can not say openly ‘ we think the circumstances were fit even though you , the Minister , did not . ’
6 Told ya , I know when I were in hospital I had that stuff on me you know it were terrible even though it was
7 Beyond that his proposals were extraordinary even if they were conditional .
8 Piggy wanted a sign from the adult world as he thought they were civilised even though they were at war .
9 Because of its fine bones its size can be deceptive : carcass weights were considerable even when it was short-legged and blocky .
10 Many feel that so called rebel tours such as the one lead by Mike Gatting in 1982 did more harm than good.Cricketers were accused of sacrificing sport and principles chasing sizeable pay cheques and on their return were unrepentant even when they got three year bans from international cricket .
11 In the early testings with the Yamaha boys last weekend McWilliams was unflappable even though he had gearbox problems during the first session .
12 Her work was too unconventional for immediate popular acceptance , but Cameron could tell how good she was , and was supportive even when she was discouraged .
13 The court hinted that the accused was guilty even though not all of the goodness had gone out of the property .
14 In Lewis [ 1970 ] Crim LR 647 , the accused was guilty even though the victim , his wife , was on the other side of a locked door .
15 Each season , there was two week 's probation , which was unpaid even though the Labour Exchange considered such men employed and refused to pay them dole-money !
16 While the Odiham Society has earned and received its fair share of credit , it must be concluded that this modest proposal , so long in incubation , was likely even if put into effect , to have had only a marginal impact on the situation it was meant to remedy — as the society soon realised .
17 Jeffrey said yesterday the system was unfair even if he was 39p in credit as incorrectly stated in Lady Hooper 's letter to Dr Mowlam .
18 Certainly , dislike or suspicion of the Jews was widespread even before Hitler took power .
19 In a recent well-publicised controversy a group of scientists claimed to have obtained results whereby water that once had a certain substance in it continued to behave as if the substance was present even after the substance had been removed ; as if the water retained a ‘ memory ’ of the substance .
20 The security search fee was non-returnable even if a loan was not granted , and increased by a shilling for every mile the searcher had to go beyond two miles .
21 Wallace was great even when he took a knock early in the 2nd half ( Strandli should have been on sooner ) .
22 Nevertheless , in a group of neurotic patients , a placebo was effective even when they knew the pills they were taking were inert .
23 By 1792 the general , public character of antislavery meetings for petitioning was evident even though , according to Clarkson , efforts were made to prevent public meetings in some places .
24 So it was not surprising that George found that nobody would accept the dangerously exposed position of Prime Minister and that Pitt was indispensable even though he had no majority in the Commons .
25 Political intervention was advisable even when an applicant had the necessary financial strength to make a purchase , and if a gift of a commission was a greater compliment , permission to purchase was nonetheless gratefully accepted .
26 Her daughter 's face was exquisite even when she was terrified .
27 General Leclerc , as a soldier , was not , at least not to begin with , and believed not only that the reconquest of Tonkin , even in part , was impossible but that a negotiated settlement was essential even if it conceded independence .
28 Jasper had a limp look , and Bert was morose even before he re d the letter Pat had left for him .
29 It was obscure even when it was first introduced .
30 I had convinced myself the diet was necessary even though I found it tough going and particularly rough after a major operation and great weight loss .
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