Example sentences of "[was/were] [noun sg] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They were murder for him , I could tell . ’
2 Much of the time the principal performers were not even aware of what we were doing for them .
3 Thomas Brinton , bishop of Rochester , preached that the English defeats were punishment for their sins .
4 At first it were good because it were incentive for her to keep going because she 'd , you know , paid so much but toward the end , she said , it were getting ridiculous .
5 The library was empty except for an elderly man pottering in Biography and a couple of schoolchildren in the reference section ; there was opportunity for what Joyce called a natter , and no escaping it .
6 Her second feeling was pity for her murdered and mutilated cousin and her third feeling was one of fear .
7 There was work for everyone .
8 It was work for her now , dealing with the bitch and the male accomplice in Newington Butts .
9 Provost John Cunningham admitted that Main had not possessed a commission as watchman and was indeed an extraordinary officer employed only when there was work for him to perform , but there seems little reason to doubt that Main 's removal was intended to serve the political interest of the Haldanes , for his removal was not an isolated case , and , moreover , when the Hamilton salt works resumed operations the excise supervisors did not in fact restore Main to his old post , but appointed an individual named Curinan to the vacancy .
10 Suddenly there was work for everybody and the deaf community took full advantage of this change of climate , as reported in the 1944 annual report : The effect of the war on industry has given the deaf and dumb opportunities such as they had never enjoyed for many years and it is with great pleasure that the committee places on record the excellent work the deaf Have done .
11 After all he was doing for her , she had virtually accused him of trying to seduce her .
12 Even though in giving advice to her brother 's wife she had told her to forgive him for his infidelity and take him back , which is what Karenin was doing for her and exactly what she did n't want .
13 When I was in Moscow , my grandmother was with me and everything that I wanted she was doing for me and I was a little girl who had everything .
14 " Whatever it was you said to him has caused him to cancel the work I was doing for him .
15 ‘ If he had any idea of what she was doing for us , MoD does n't want it spread around .
16 Her car was a red MG with the hood down , parked closely ; there was room for her to get in , but not for him .
17 He heaved again at the floor plate and there was room for his feet to slide down towards the blurred stones between the sleepers .
18 In summer this was heaven for us because it sometimes took hours to put things right and we would miss a large chunk of lessons .
19 So far as the availability of evidence before the justices , again , I say little because of the course I am going to take but there clearly was evidence for them to consider and assess .
20 ‘ I think it was agony for her often , the balance between No 1 and No 2 .
21 The unknown friend was meat for their curious excitement .
22 Jimmy Shawn was askin' for you . ’
23 It was nonsense for her to say no one had a motive for murdering her husband .
24 Just a normal day of married life , nothing that thousands of other people did n't take for granted — but what heaven if ever that was normality for herself and Len !
25 The early inhabitants had to go where there was grass for their animals to feed on and this mobile existence dictated that the home was some form of tent .
26 The early inhabitants had to go where there was grass for their animals to feed on and this mobile existence dictated that the home was some form of tent .
27 Mr Wallace 's shadow lies heavily across the state where he was governor for four terms and where his wife Lurleen ( who has a museum to herself , complete with wax mannequins wearing her clothes ) was governor for one .
28 Though Sparkes was game for his first homosexual experience , his thick Yorkshire accent and humorous attitude to life left Minton undone with laughter and not very much happened .
29 She was larger than life , she had seen the world , she was game for anything , she was jolly and vibrant , spoke her mind ; all in all , she was fun to be with .
30 Lizzy Burrows was game for anything and everything .
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