Example sentences of "[is] only so [det] " in BNC.

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1 There 's only so much you can cling to — your credibility , your belief in small cottage industries — whatever .
2 If you study a lot of subjects , they come to an end , there 's only so much you can learn about them .
3 There 's only so much you can do with a Super B , ’ he shrugged .
4 I mean on something like interruptions there 's only so much you can say .
5 There 's only so much you can do to jazz up articles on the efficacy of heart tapping in achieving full blood drainage .
6 There 's only so much that anybody 's brain can handle at any one time so let's just do a little experiment because there was a chap called George Miller an American psychologist who worked on this idea of what is the capacity of the brain , how many bits of information can the brain hold on to at any given time .
7 There 's only so many love songs you can write .
8 But ’ , ( said completely non-defensively ) ‘ there 's only so many hours in the day and some of them I need to listen to music and to be with my family .
9 But I had had quite er if you want funding erm there 's only so many people out there , you better make a success of what you 're doing .
10 Claiming there is only so much hedonism you can take , Koch started Oxbow Industries to make a second fortune on his own account .
11 The truth is there is only so much preparation you can do .
12 However , there is only so much you can do to protect yourself against the whims of the Almighty .
13 We are hopeful that there will be no surcharges levied whatsoever on the cost of your holiday — but obviously fuel costs , currency movements and governmental action are outside our control , and there is only so much that we are able to absorb .
14 This practice dictates that there is only so much money available and so meeting needs , and therefore needs themselves , must fit within financial constraints .
15 But there is only so much you can ask of another person .
16 ‘ There is only so much you can do in Dublin .
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