Example sentences of "[is] that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They lack confidence , simple as that and one of the things is that as a group you come in and you probably look at people when you and you look at the trainers and the idea is that early on people can do , can keep some eye contact gon na stare you out but just keeping your eyes and do n't flit away and also when you 're under pressure at this stage his eyes challenge you or something like that , then your eyes go down .
2 Er Chairman thank you erm the wording which we 've been erm given by Mr erm refers to erm in particular those matters where uncertainty of responsibility between various agencies needs to be addressed erm as far as this committee is concerned of course , erm our erm er role is that as a strategic planning authority and er I 'm quite sure that there will be erm an analysis after the event erm most likely by the Fire and Public Protection Committee who , to whom emergency planning erm are answerable and it 's the Emergency Planning Team who shoulder our responsibilities as a County Council erm and er any implications then for the Strategic Planning Committee will no doubt be taken into .
3 My Lord the er plaintiff 's case is that as a result of the advice that he was given by Mr er it was clear to him that he had no way out of this contract , that he was committed to it and that he had no choice but to proceed with the matter and there was then er further discussion on the telephone on this day , Friday , between Mr and Mr to where they were going here and Mr said he would now write to the plaintiff setting out what his options were to him and the letter than was sent by Mr was dated the twenty second of October and the letter , the relevant terms of this letter are set out in a statement of claim expressing at paragraph three eleven of this statement saying and of course er that is admitted by the er defendant .
4 I think the conclusion coming out of that is that as a result of what I 've described and a few other things as well , not least the fact that the company has now capped its contribution rate to no more than ten per cent .
5 The second reason that , that we 're delighted to see you is that as a Trades Council we have been trying very hard over the last six or seven years to raise the profile of the trade union movement and this has been quite difficult in in during the Thatcher years , during the anti-trade union legislation , the onslaught by the media , trade unions er , the profile of trade unions has not been easy to raise .
6 I do n't know wh Is that about a job ?
7 Is that about the bloke that used to go out with Joan Collins ? ’
8 Is that about the festival ?
9 So is that off the the P N C ultimately or all from his local ?
10 The problem simply Mr Mayor is that during the morning peak period traffic enters the city via causeway , going erm I think erm this traffic that 's coming over the is joined by local traffic from roads leading off causeway and the result of that is that er on many occasions er we get a long tailback of traffic er waiting to turn right at the junction of causeway and road .
11 I could have gone mad , you know , but the tragedy is that during the courses a lot of them and I expect that the best time to learn is when you 're young and you 're more receptive .
12 The effect here is that during the last five years the Conservatives have played no part in the management of this county whatsoever , and it has been left to the other two parties to come to an agreement .
13 Erm as regards erm pension rights , well my understanding is that through the Maastricht treaty and the social social contract , certainly , many of the protections at work , er will include those of people who have finished work .
14 thank you , is that through the service charge or through the management charge ?
15 The oldest , steepest and pleasantest quarter of Oloron is that between the rivers , the Quartier Sainte-Croix .
16 The most important division between industries is that between the oil companies and the rest .
17 Te the important message that you 're , you 've raised and it is a very important one , is that over the next years , I mean we , we will have to change the way that we charge for
18 erm I think the real danger however is that over the next three four five years , erm people all over the world will get into the habit of regarding Britain as an impossibly expensive country to study in , because no other country in the world attempts to charge the full cost of it 's university education in tuition fees , and erm that gradually people will turn elsewhere .
19 In this case , the reality of ( say ) of an orange being behind the breadboard is different from the appearance — which is that of a breadboard leaning against the kitchen wall .
20 The system I have adopted is that of a CHRONICLE . ’
21 The lower frequency expressed in Hz is that of a single ion type .
22 Perhaps a shimmering dry Martini cocktail ( minimum dilution , stirred , not shaken ; and served straight up ) looks even more refreshing , though its effect is that of a silver mallet .
23 The architecture is that of a thousand prep-schools ; just as at a boarding school , authority seems at the same time ludicrous , arbitrary , and deadly serious .
24 Four of the graves are those of a 98 Squadron Mitchell bomber crew who died on 24 June 1943 and the other is that of a Typhoon pilot of 266 Squadron who crashed the same day as Freddie Crewe .
25 The most popular legend concerning true cheesemaking is that of a herdsman who put fresh milk into an animal 's stomach pouch that had not been cleaned and sterilised and discovered that the action of the remaining rennet reacted with the milk to form a sweet cheese , as opposed to the known acid variety .
26 Modelled as it is on the a priori science of geometry , his ideal of a scientific natural philosophy is that of a textbook rationalist .
27 ‘ The personality conveyed by the utterances which are put into her mouth is that of a priggish schoolgirl , captain of the hockey team , a prefect and a recent candidate for confirmation . ’
28 Another example of the importance of having time to say goodbye to the person who has died is that of a client I was working with who seemed quite unable to talk about his wife 's death and seemed totally unconcerned that she had died tragically .
29 One of the most interesting reconstructions is that of a medieval kilnhouse .
30 An analogy that is worth considering is that of a landlord and tenant relationship .
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