Example sentences of "[is] not [adv] going " in BNC.

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1 But customers , too , have only recently begun to see the big picture : IBM is not just going through a bad patch , it is in serious , perhaps critical , trouble .
2 But all that business is not simply going to vanish : ICL will be refilling the channels with its own personal computers and DRS 6000 and DSR 3000 Unix machines before they even empty of third party machines — and by using a captive distribution network , ICL should be able to improve overall profitability .
3 One female GP — our surgery has just the one — is not really going to make much of an impression among that lot .
4 But it is not always going to be the most economic route .
5 With the best will in the world , the library is not always going to have the book on its shelves that the student is after ; and nor are members of staff always going to be available to answer students ' enquiries .
6 ‘ Mr Major is not suddenly going to say let's have a referendum , ’ said one Scottish Tory source .
7 The library user who looks for books of art criticism is not necessarily going to have an easy task .
8 A workshop with one machinist who carefully adjusts and sets the machine up and leaves it that way at the end of the job is not necessarily going to need the heaviest equipment .
9 The first runner to reach the top is not necessarily going to hold his lead on the descent .
10 And diagnosis is very , very important that , if you have a medical , clinical state of depression try and pull yourself out of it , by your , your own efforts and doing alternative things is not necessarily going to be effective .
11 He points to increased life-expectancy and reduced levels of infant mortality during the pesticide age , and adds that " occasional slight over-exposure is not necessarily going to harm anyone " .
12 And of course the one minor consolation is that that kind of trend is not necessarily going to last forever .
13 In October 1984 , The Economist , remarkably enough , committed itself to the view that ‘ Mrs Thatcher is not now going to win the miners ’ strike outright . ’
14 Now he 's decided he 's not just going to act , he 's going to make programmes , too .
15 Right , but presumably if that , that work 's not just going by the board that 's , that 's right
16 Because it , it 's , it 's not particularly going to grab me because I 'm going to look at it and I 'm going to I 'm going to look down to see what it 's asking me do and certainly a busy news editor is looking down the line to see , and the first thing he 'll actually do is , is just have a , a very fast glance at it , find out what it 's about , and just make sure there 's someone who can be phoned , and what the news editor will do is actually throw it out into a pile of other handouts and there 's usually a journalist who 's , who 's who 's won first prize and their task for the day is to do all the handouts , and all you want to be sure of is that someone can make a phone call and the news editor wo n't , wo n't bother with any with any superfluous detail , all he 'd want to know is that somebody can be contacted , we 'll find out about it later .
17 With a mouth like that , she 's not exactly going to fade into the background is she ?
18 er done a hole there , it 's not even going through the hole
19 It 's not even going to be worth half of that , or a third of that let's say .
20 It will only be small at the outset for example one might get the opportunity to go in and on or might get the opportunity to go and advise on P R P or something and it 's not suddenly going to result in an invitation er to .
21 I must be absolutely honest though and say that it 's not always going to be easy to try to live for Jesus at school .
22 He 's not really going .
23 He 's not seriously going over there to get a pound out of Richard is he ?
24 The only problem with that is that it 's not necessarily going to be accepted .
25 But er can you see you 've got to make up your mind what it is , it 's not necessarily going to be easy .
26 Jerry so he said he had n't seen but he 's not necessarily going to .
27 ‘ It 's not necessarily going to be present in our relationship for the rest of our lives .
28 it 's not necessarily going
29 So that 's nine thousand six hundred your client 's not now going to pay , is n't it .
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