Example sentences of "[is] there [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The model you see is secondary ; she is there to sell the product .
2 The gens is there to demonstrate the possibility of a totally communal classless stage based on totally different principles to those of capitalism , but which , Engels claims , actually represents a state of affairs which had existed , and for which there is historical evidence .
3 Hopefully if the money is there to enable the works to be built , then we 'll see Venice safeguarded well into the next century .
4 As with the passport photograph that is used to verify the identity of the subject and which functions like the signature in official documents , this function of the face can be detected in traditional portraiture where the face on the canvas is there to represent the true likeness of the model .
5 It is not there to prevent crime ; it is there to promote the work of the police .
6 Even if there is no appointment system , the receptionist is there to smooth the process .
7 Who is there to put the brakes on these outbreaks of zeal , and the absolute belief that , no matter how bizarre , the allegations are water-tight ?
8 The judge is there to hold the ring impartially and to direct the jury on the law .
9 Who is there to answer the telephone when you are not there ?
10 This statement affirms that the service is there to meet the needs of the public as a whole and therefore minority interests have to be catered for as well .
11 The nurse is there to make the nursing contribution to the solution , amelioration or prevention of the patients ' actual or potential problems .
12 In both cases the consultant is there to assist the architect and to advise the client on all specialised aspects of food service planning .
13 The researcher is there to help the agency formulate the right strategy and the right advertising solution .
14 ‘ The potential is there to optimize the technology and create new products , ’ he adds .
15 He 's there to enforce the law as well as serve the local community .
16 I mean Halloween is it 's a pagan ritual it 's there to worship the devil it 's the most poignant date in the calendar if you want to get into black magic if you want to dance naked round er a sheep 's heart with sticks stuck through it .
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