Example sentences of "[is] our [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's our members who 've the problems to face in these industries .
2 You know what I think er , th we 've been talking about it round about and I says , you know , they were wondering if it was a bit suspic , I said no , th , they worry to death , there 's our children who speaking like the nig-nogs !
3 After all , as I have said , it is our rulers who dominate the processes of formulation and enforcement of the law .
4 Love is the Grand Unified Force ; and , just as when we watch a good movie , we might become so emotionally involved that we forget it is ‘ only a movie ’ , it is our feelings which make life appear to be so real .
5 Rather than motivations , aspirations , cognitive principles and the other factors that are usually put forward , it is our representations which , in the last resort , determine our reactions , and their significance is , thus , of an actual cause ( Moscovici , 1983 : 65 ) .
6 It is our minds which are divided .
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