Example sentences of "[is] because they have " in BNC.

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1 This is because they have only won three matches in a World Cup proper .
2 If they have since discovered that this contact can be fulfilling and life-enhancing — and this is certainly not always the case — it is because they have benefited from the broader range of experiences which this contact has offered .
3 If maintained schools failed ( and fail ) to scale those commanding heights it is because they have not wished to .
4 If they are mentioned , it is because they have been recommended and are generally regarded as good courses .
5 The reason , in my opinion , why many artists call pastel application ‘ painting ’ is because they have some sort of complex when comparing their art to that of the oil painter , which is wrong .
6 This is because they have not yet learned the new rules and are still trying old techniques of gaining reactions from their parents .
7 So perhaps it is because they have angular gyri that chimpanzees have been able to sign successfully .
8 To say that human beings from time to time have sexual intercourse , and that this is because they have sexual instincts , is as circular as the argument about hunger .
9 This is because they have been processed automatically ; but if our attention is on our own thoughts rather than the author 's , then comprehension will fail .
10 Ironically , one reason why so many antiracist initiatives have failed is because they have assumed some kind of transitive relation between policy and practice .
11 In contrast to this , I wish to argue that if disabled people display psychological abnormalities , this is because they have been socialised into such traits as a result of the ways in which society meets , or fails to meet , our needs , and that the claim that such features are a consequence of impairment is itself an aspect of the oppression of disabled people since it misidentifies , and thus does nothing to overcome , the main source of psychological distress .
12 He said : ’ When I say that the Government are not positive , that is because they have sought no undertakings on regional policy , growth policy or employment policy . ’
13 Where children do not carry these assumptions inside them , it is because they have been brought up in an enclave that is struggling against the weight of secular pressure .
14 It is because they have already been widely written about in feminist art history ?
15 The reason is because they have agreed to be bound by it .
16 The reason that is disappearing is because they have n't got a purpose to get out of bed in the morning , exactly .
17 But that 's because they have them twenty-four hours a day .
18 Violent abuse , death threats , bomb warnings and evangelical types were also far more common on the phones then , though received Switchboard wisdom says that 's because they have more trouble getting through now and tend to get discouraged and give up quicker than genuine callers .
19 ‘ That 's because they have , Sister . ’
20 I believe it 's because they have the best connections , and they 're paying the most money .
21 Now the other side of that was a plea which came from our switchboard supervisor , which I 'll come onto in a moment , where she said people will often think that of her telephonist , but in actual fact , it 's because they have n't got the right information from people at this end , so there is another side to that story .
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