Example sentences of "[is] for [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's a glove , but it 's for covering the hand .
2 That 's for carving the chicken
3 Oh , so it 's so it 's for photographing the star and
4 It 's for putting the cream on is n't it ?
5 It 's for putting the cream on the cake is n't it ?
6 And then we 're going to use a very nice cream erm called moisture balance and that 's a dermatological product and , and that 's for keeping the skin nice and soft , and keeping the wrinkles at bay .
7 The more effort that has to be put into these component skills , the less processing space there is for monitoring the procedure — i.e. , taking the message as a cognitive object and scrutinizing it for possible inconsistencies .
8 This other cleat is for adjusting the out-haul , we 'll come on to that in a moment .
9 The knob at the rear is for setting the pointer to any desired position for calibration .
10 Designer shops rub shoulders with gourmet restaurants and the promenade is as much for dressing up and meeting people as it is for enjoying the glorious views .
11 Another trick that I have learnt is for increasing the likelihood that I will actually get down to a job which is becoming urgent but which I do n't want to do .
12 ‘ We must never lose sight of what a tremendous weapon being cost competitive is for ensuring the survival of jobs and businesses . ’
13 The glue is for pasting the various classifications on to the shelves .
14 Now MyMouse Com is for running the serial mouse .
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