Example sentences of "[is] to be no " in BNC.

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1 Variety trumpeted : ‘ It 's a new ballgame ; the artists and scientists of the world 's cinema center are unhesitant about saying to all the world that there 's to be no hesitation about subject matter .
2 It 's WBO super-middleweight champion Eubank 's ninth world title fight in just 22 months — and there 's to be no let-up in his quest to earn the money that can give him retirement in the next year .
3 I 'll bide a wee while in your hospital , but there 's to be no cosseting , you 'll understand ! ’
4 At the same time , Peachcake , if worries about the future are what 's been keeping him from showing his feelings for you and he 's as much in love with you as you appear to be with him , there 's to be no hasty wedding .
5 ‘ There 's to be no pleasure , just responsibility .
6 There 's to be no more of it , Dr Spilsby says . ’
7 Well , as you heard earlier , there 's to be no reprieve for the Gloucestershire Regiment .
8 There is to be no nonsense about value , preferring some books or authors to others , or personal responses , which have a merely anecdotal or autobiographical interest .
9 This time there is to be no law or sanctions .
10 Of those who are remembered , the more distant or briefly glimpsed a grandparent , the more likely the recollection is to be no more than an external image .
11 There is to be no lower door but —
12 We are happy to find that there is to be no repetition of the Buckingham House measures — beginning a vast edifice without money and without a definite plan , the upshot of which could be nothing but bungling .
13 I wish you and your staff to know how sorry I am that Punch is to be no more .
14 There is to be no appeal to the intentions or capabilities of states , or to the human nature of their leaders .
15 Israel 's firstborn belong to God , but are " bought-back " from him — there is to be no child-sacrifice as in Canaan .
16 There is to be no discussion with local authorities on how this needs index is drawn up , and there will be no appeal against the size of the government grant that results from using this calculation .
17 There is to be no knock-out , no longer deliberation in the jury room .
18 If there is to be no common musical material we are going to find ourselves with something which , however distinguished , is not distinguishable , and which is therefore of questionable value .
19 In the light of this , it is worth noting that Article B of the Maastricht Treaty states that one of the objectives of the Union would be to maintain in full the ‘ acquis communautaire ’ , and build on it , which implies that there is to be no going back on the matters already governed by Community law .
20 It is quite another matter to be told what taxes to pay and how much unemployment is to be suffered and then as an afterthought to be informed that there is to be no democratic redress .
21 Dounreay has claimed , and no doubt the Minister will concur , that there is to be no increase in the level of reprocessing .
22 There is to be no widespread review of the prices , profits and performance of the utilities , despite the original proposal in the Government 's draft document issued before the publication of the citizens charter : ’ The Government will therefore in consultation with the regulators review the performance of the utility companies the results of the review willl be published ’ .
23 Surely all political parties would do well to agree that there is to be no political vacuum in Northern Ireland and that we are determined to fight for peace as the future of Northern Ireland .
24 ‘ There is to be no hanging around the High Street and staring into shop windows , ’ he went on .
25 ‘ There is to be no weeping in this house .
26 If it is agreed that there is to be no magic , the teacher and the children must stick by their decision .
27 There is to be no membership charge for the scheme , which will raise its revenue through premium telephone lines .
28 In words aimed at the US president , Bill Clinton , he said : ‘ The Balkanisation of the region is coming if there is to be no peaceful settlement .
29 There is to be no fertility in year of arrival then fertility as for remainder of population .
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