Example sentences of "[is] of an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The work that Levi valued is of an order to which Auschwitz — with the lying motto over its gates , Arbeit macht frei — was built to be antithetical .
2 My imagination is of an order lively enough to appreciate the invidious nature of your position without a recital of the sordid details . ’
3 If , for example , the shot is of an expanse of countryside , the camera may be many hundreds of yards away from the main feature , say a group of trees .
4 The unique promise of television is of an availability which is not dependent on the presence of the image as is cinema 's , but derives from its ‘ endless flow ’ , available at the touch of a button even when the set itself is off .
5 This photo is of an officer of a branch with darker facings .
6 One , leaked to the NI , is of an explosion in a secret French underground chemical warfare plant .
7 The instant reaction to this unit is of an end to chemical-based pH kits in return for one solid investment in the unit .
8 A more common description of potential energy is of an object such as a ball resting precariously on a ledge .
9 One analogy which might spring to mind is of an archaeologist who reconstructs a fragmented mosaic .
10 because the work is of an executive nature which does not require ministers to be involved in day-to-day management ;
11 Whether Evans , now 54 , and who has suffered serious heart problems , is of an age and whether he has the constitution to undertake such a demanding task is another matter .
12 There are , therefore , two key features : first , that the patient is of an age the law regards as proper , and second , that he is of sound mind .
13 Now , I have heard tell in the sultry dens of Freudianism that the psychological scar inflicted by this act of parental desertion frequently induces the daughter , when she is of an age to start questing for a swain , to seek a substitute for the departed archetype .
14 You have to suppose of B that B is of an age to have children .
15 There is no question of a vehicle needing to be fitted with these lamps or indeed any other item — if the vehicle is of an age or type which does not require them .
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