Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [subord] she " in BNC.

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1 The barber took a knife to the thicket , weighed it when it was off , and gave her 2½ lb of hair wrapped up in tissue paper which the nurse briskly took from her as soon as they were outside because she did n't believe in being morbid .
2 Below her hospital gown , her legs were still as she remembered — although her reinforced thigh and shin bones made them two and a half inches longer .
3 The words were out before she could monitor them .
4 The words were out before she could stop them .
5 The words were out before she could stop them .
6 The words , softly intense , were out before she could stop them .
7 You were here before she died . ’
8 You were there when she said about P C .
9 But Kate knew when enough was enough so she kept her peace .
10 After half a mile she had rejected this hypothesis and decided that it was merely because she was unattractive , the sort of person who , fifty years ago , would have worn rubber galoshes .
11 It was long after she had gone to sleep and he had prodded her in the ribs to stop her snoring and was , himself , lying awake , staring into the darkness , thinking about Donald that it occurred to Henry that this was the longest conversation he had had with Elinor for about a year and that , after a bad start , she had , once or twice , come dangerously near to amiability .
12 Well I think more than anything if they 'd have seen the state she was in after she 'd had this
13 It was only after she had gone that I started to ponder why she had confided so much in me .
14 It was only after she called him that he telephoned her .
15 It was only after she had fainted at tennis that her father took her to a specialist who found that she had an extra vertebra .
16 It was only after she had packed Emily off to school next morning that , with a sudden feeling of doom , Lisa remembered .
17 Before she had time to think , she 'd raised her own glass in response and it was only after she 'd sipped her drink that she realised what she 'd done .
18 It was only once she was sure that Emily was asleep that she would pull out her plastic bag and get down to work .
19 She was enjoying herself so much that she stayed on the floor longer than she should have done and it was only when she saw Mrs Freer making furious faces at her from the doorway that she turned and glided back .
20 She did n't attach any importance to it at the time and it was only when she heard we were interested in anyone who had seen Garland between Saturday and Wednesday that she thought it worth mentioning . ’
21 No we no she 'd got out the pool you see , she was I did n't recognize her , she said oh it looks like all the family 's here and I was only talking to Evelyn and , and I kept trying to place her and it was only when she said oh Rebecca was born a month after cos she 's died her hair a different colour , I did n't , just did n't recognize her at all .
22 She found it easy : to begin with , she found everything easy , as her memory for facts was remarkable , and it was only as she grew older that she began to notice in herself slight doubts about her ability to pursue higher physics and mathematics .
23 It was only as she was heading out into the road that she raised her eyes to the rear-view mirror .
24 Yet it was only as she was getting Emily ready for school next morning that she forced herself to come to a decision .
25 By the time she arrived , still wrestling with this dramatic rearrangement of the stars in the family constellation , she had the beginnings of a bad headache , and it was only as she turned into the drive and saw the lights and heard voices and music spilling from the house that she thought about the party that was still , clearly , very much in progress .
26 It was only as she reached the small turning leading to the patio that she stopped , a momentary apprehension bringing goose-pimples to her skin .
27 It took a great mental effort to move and go upstairs to change ; even then , she had to keep her mind blank , and it was only as she cooked the evening meal , every action mechanical , that she thought clearly again .
28 It was only as she rounded the corner that she remembered she had n't thanked him for walking her home .
29 It was only because she was a Christian woman , with a clear view of the seven deadly sins , that she pushed the bedclothes back firmly .
30 But that was only because she had eaten nothing since last night and had been so furious this morning about her father 's gall in writing that damnably cheerful letter .
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