Example sentences of "[was/were] [pron] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The patrol took some prisoners and drove through the lines until they met up with a British unit , who refused to believe they were who they said they were .
2 I do n't know but then frankly thinking but then I got them in the end you know I just did n't sell them because nobody paid that much and then ah in the outset and I paid quite a big price for for two for Patrick and me and then when they were they they dropped the price and then I got some more .
3 How were they they brought up ?
4 She would stay , here where things were what they seemed to be , where trees were trees , hens were hens .
5 Like Isobel , they were what they looked , quiet people doing very necessary jobs and a that moment grieving for one of their number who had left them .
6 ‘ When I was designing Metaltronix gear , I made everything bigger , for product visibility , but I would get letters telling me that the Marshall ‘ standard ’ head dimensions were what they wanted , so that 's what I based these new amp heads on .
7 Horses and wagon were what they wanted , and what they took , for all we could do to stop them .
8 Nearly all Cora-Beth 's friends were what they called ‘ dating ’ , although many were even younger than she was .
9 Fifty-six per cent of these men lost their virginity to somebody they knew well ; for 14% , the partner was someone they had just met .
10 Yo yo you knew your clubman was coming , you 've stayed in and that is how our local clubman who is now dead , Mr became a councillor because naturally , people voted for him against the Conservative because he was someone they knew , someone like as came you know .
11 But it was you they wanted to kill ! ’
12 ‘ I do n't think it was you they wanted to kill .
13 Interviewed on TV-am , Dr Owen said the choice facing voters was who they wanted as Prime Minister .
14 I mean it stuck out like a sore thumb , I mean er by King George 's playing fields erm cos of the , they had n't the , th the , the s other story for that was as I said was we they sent er some of us to a class in Walsall for er aircraft recognition and er the days I went to this class , cos I went as er , er both for the factory and for the Home Guard , so that I could cover both the factory and when I were on duty , Home Guard and we was at a building on the corner of Corporation Street and west , and we was taking classes in there .
15 The film was everything they had hoped for and they loved every minute of it .
16 he was everything they owned .
17 Thailand 's Professor Pilai Poonswad , who for 10 years has been studying four species of forest hornbills , pointed out that the birds nest in large Dipterocarps and that their taste in trees was something they shared with loggers .
18 Anathema as it may be to Welsh Rugby Union ears , this was something they realised at Twickenham at least five years ago and we have all seen the felicitous results .
19 It was something they had dreamed of many times .
20 It was something they had both known since New Orleans .
21 It was something they had never done before .
22 It was something they recognised in each other and shared .
23 It was something they talked about frequently .
24 It was something they needed to talk about .
25 This conversation about their only child 's first job was one they 'd had before , a comforting reiteration of mutual reassurance .
26 Who was it they had on who a aging singer , what 's his name just before Christmas in the Mail who wanted us to go and see them and
27 What was it they said about people who were convinced that the rest of the world was plotting against them ?
28 What was it they said about a murderer returning to the scene of his crime ?
29 What was it they called that term in rhetoric ?
30 in bad weather we used to go into what was it they called Long Hope or something and anchor there .
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