Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] five [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly for 1961 , there were only five cases , and for 1971 , seven cases .
2 The pair were only five runs away from displacing Lord Hawk and David Hunter from the record books for the highest last wicket stand for the county when Sidebottom ran himself out on 124 , leaving Robinson unbeaten on 30 .
3 When the large chromium headlamps of the Citron were only five feet from them , the first boy flung himself into the roadside ditch and let out a yell of triumph as he tumbled into the filthy water .
4 Likewise , there were only five runners in last season 's L'Oreal Handicap Hurdle won by Afaristoun .
5 As there were only five women with duodenal ulcer disease and as there were no differences apparent , the results shown in the table are pooled for male and female patients .
6 He said that from 1991–1992 there were only five times when intensive care patients had to be transferred to other hospitals in the region , but in April and May this year alone there had been five cases .
7 Another factor working against effective communication may well have been the air time given to Zambian language news bulletins : these were only five minutes long .
8 Before last Tuesday Darlington 1 were only five points clear on the same number of games and could not afford to lose a match .
9 During the follow up period there were only five ears in which fluid recurred and persisted for at least one year after they had been clear for at least one year .
10 For example , in March 1955 at the time of Ashby 's Will Harvey Lecture , there were only five tutor-organisers employed by the Eastern District , those in Essex , Fenland , Norfolk , Northamptonshire and Suffolk : the posts in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire were vacant and there were as yet no tutor-organisers with special responsibilities over several counties .
11 There were just five performers in our first display team ( circa 1949 ) including teachers Molly Braithwaite and Christa Haring .
12 John McGee was building an extension on to the back of his Middlesbrough home but instead of making the foundations six feet deep , they were just five inches below the surface .
13 Mills of the Oldham type were usually five storeys high with a warehouse and conditioning room in the cellar .
14 And that there were once five steps leading to the portico which measured — ’
15 But the saddest stories are on the housing estates , some of which were under five feet of water .
16 Anxious relatives raised the alarm when the men , who all live near Borth , were nearly five hours overdue .
17 We have found all the leaks , there were about five leaks I think , down that .
18 Made of strong willow cane , the cone-shaped traps were about five feet in diameter at the mouth tapering to a point Once the unfortunate salmon had entered the trap , it was doomed Yanto hoped the recent tide had yielded a fish which he would grab before the traps were checked the following morning .
19 Those who lived with a younger married couple were about five times less likely to receive a home-help visit than an elderly married couple .
20 When he checked the effects of the street lights , Dr Rydell found that , averaged out the whole year , there were about five times as many bats in the villages with street lights as in the dark areas of countryside and the one unlit village .
21 They were about five yards apart and he was just deciding they were n't anything to do with him when they both took out pistols .
22 A Royal Navy spokesman said : ‘ They appear to have gone off course and were about five miles from shore . ’
23 Were n't five days a week enough without having to cope with him on a Saturday , too ?
24 Experimentation has begun to yield results , instrumental groups flourish in some churches , and the standards of playing and performance are certainly higher than they were even five years ago .
25 There were either five smears or six .
26 Mining and quarrying are still the most dangerous industries to work in , and in 1985 mining deaths and major industries were over five times the rate for other industries , including construction .
27 THIS BOUGHT-in piece of Canadian whimsy was basically five minutes of real rodents travelling about in tiny boats , with voices provided by future Animal Magic guru Johnny Morris .
28 Professor John Brewer has recently pointed out that the capital value of the fleet at the end of the eighteenth century was perhaps five times greater than the £402,651 at which the West Riding woollen manufacture was valued in 1801 .
29 Do you know it was only five lines .
30 The police station was only five minutes away . ’
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