Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] more than " in BNC.

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1 We melted away again into the mists and learned to make our way back with unerring accuracy to places that were little more than pinpoints on the map .
2 The front of the hurricane tore at the lower flanks of the mountains , rending great trees from the rain forest and tossing them aside as if they were little more than sticks .
3 In one memorable outburst , he once made a plea for more money , claiming that professional footballers were little more than ‘ white slaves ’ .
4 Corrosion and metal attrition were little more than would be found in a five-or-ten year-old ship .
5 In effect Warsaw became a staging post on the road to Moscow and the Poles were little more than cannon fodder .
6 We have seen how the interaction of environment and genes has had a feedback effect , and how the fossils of primitive horses show they were little more than the size of large dogs .
7 This is not to imply , as has been done with Tyrannosaurus Rex , that many large bipedals were little more than lumbering tripods .
8 Although laterally we were little more than abreast of the squadron we were already six or seven hundred feet above them .
9 The locks the Minoans fitted to their doors were little more than wooden bolts with pegs to hold them in place .
10 So many Britons whose lives were little more than hard unremitting toil would have used the licence of the festival to make fun of these imagined orgies , especially if they occurred in the great houses .
11 Institutionally , they were deprived of most individual freedoms , rights and responsibilities , and ideologically they were little more than chattels , slaves or decorative ornaments ( depending on their class position ) .
12 Official moves to alleviate the worst conditions were little more than palliatives .
13 Many researchers considered MT to be an extension of the code breaking techniques developed during World War 2 , whereby foreign languages were little more than a complex coding of words and translation required merely the use of a bi-lingual dictionary .
14 An attempt to cajole lay opposition was made by the issue of the ‘ Articles of Stamford ’ in July 1309 , but they were little more than a reissue of the Articles on the Charters , Articuli super Cartas , of 1300 .
15 Some of these marine stations were little more than dissecting rooms by the sea , but there was increased pressure from governments for scientists to study practical problems such as the effects of over-fishing .
16 The yard in front of the house and the dirt track were little more than liquid mud .
17 A few senior officials , including a former prime minister and the former head of the secret police , SAVAK , have been arrested on the Shahs orders , But these were little more than futile , almost feckless , gestures of appeasement ( and personal betrayal ) by the Shah .
18 Some , like the building on Site 3 , were little more than flag floors , presumably supporting a timber superstructure , while others had stone foundations and concrete flooring ; good examples of this type include the two buildings on Sites 5 and 6 , fronted by a common veranda .
19 Their mother had died when they were little more than infants and , I gathered , it was from that moment that Porua 's misanthropy had set in .
20 His confrontational attitude caused controversy , notably when he suggested that some ambulance personnel were little more than professional drivers .
21 The true state must have settled frontiers rather than vague notional territories that many modern historians ( Partner , Waley , Laufs ) see Innocent III as the founder of the Papal State as distinct from previous popes who were little more than nominal overlords of disparate and scattered lands which they found very difficult to control without imperial help .
22 In his experience reconstructions were little more than public relations exercises .
23 For example , certain German regions ( notably Hamburg , Bremen and West Berlin ) were little more than cities and quite small relative to the large British and French regions .
24 For even then I was falling in love with you , though you were little more than a child at the time . ’
25 The words were little more than a whisper .
26 The generators were individually tested , but unfortunately , during the tests of all but the Aero3gen and the Forgen , the winds were rarely more than Force 4 .
27 In any month in the 1840 's and '50's there were rarely more than live contracts settled up and the figure was usually two or three and sometimes none at all .
28 The temples were much more than centres of worship .
29 But the relations that developed were much more than simply instrumental ; when families did survive it was more than a product of what Stone called , for an earlier period , ‘ psychic numbing ’ .
30 The figures were no more attractive at the operating level , where profits before exceptional items were down more than half at £31m and the combined contributions of the profitable elements-engineering , construction and mining-were a quarter lower at £58m .
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