Example sentences of "[was/were] [pron] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes there would be two hundred cards on the pavement before someone fluked a cover and then all the cards were his and he cleared the deck .
2 There were none and he had had to train them .
3 Tell me , how sure were you that he had a gun ? ’
4 ‘ Where were you when he left ? ’
5 ‘ Anyway , I knew it was nothing when he came in . ’
6 I know it was somebody that he come chasing at , chasing after .
7 He was himself and he was alone .
8 Fleury had no time to draw his final weapon , the two-bladed Indian dagger , for his adversary , it turned out , was no less impressively armed than he was himself and he was already flourishing a spare sabre which he had been carrying for just such an emergency .
9 Routine in his life was everything and he would be jiggered if anything — even the abduction of Squire Blacker — would interfere with it .
10 It was something that he would have to find out .
11 Brian Lane ( schoolteacher ) : ‘ One thing I remember about David was something that he did n't take part in , which was a concert held at the school in aid of a pavilion that was being put up by the parents and teachers , and being paid for by them .
12 It was something that he and I talked about over a two-year period , and then he got hit with throat cancer a little over a year ago .
13 It was something that he did regularly , a habit brought on by the onset of old age .
14 But Joe did n't let the remark hang , as if it was something that he 'd felt compelled to let her know but did n't want to discuss any further ; he said , ‘ Are we going to stay here , or move somewhere warmer ?
15 He almost made it sound as if this was something that he 'd expect her to be proud of .
16 To backpedal and tell any part of the truth would be to admit his complicity with the Ashdown girl , which was something that he did n't want to be drawn into ever again .
17 It was something that he took very much to heart , but to this day , she does n't see it that way .
18 He went all over the place looking , but he could n't get hold of it I mean it was obviously it was something that he made himself but it was beautiful !
19 His decision , since the madness of Doc Askins , to live without the emotions , was one that he realized was impossible .
20 He was aghast when he read it , for the problem was one that he had already solved 15 years before .
21 He had made that appointment five days ago and it was one that he would keep .
22 The two lanterns which hang from the zodiac ceiling are the architect 's own design , and the method of covering the rod with silk cord and tassel was one that he often used in houses he designed .
23 The next phase of Haslam 's career was one where he moved about from company to company rather than from function to function .
24 The sketch was one where he played a man contemplating how different life might have been had there not been a world war .
25 And it , well it was her that he was married to but i he was he could n't get over it , it was such a shock to him !
26 He was sure it was her because he had smelt the peppermints .
27 There was a sailing er what do they call it , a here and it was him that he asked would could you send a boy there .
28 There was a gang of us , but I mean er if one of us got involved with a fight it was him and him .
29 Where was he before he believed in God ?
30 so loyal was he that he rejected his cousins , the UNICORNS , when Alexander 's men attacked them for their horns .
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