Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the letters were to be polite , but he did away with all the pompous formalities reserved for potentates .
2 The only enterprises to be excluded from this plan were to be geothermal power stations , the central airport , and " possibly " the railways and other important national facilities .
3 These heavy round-arched stations were to be influential in Ontario , Canada , in the same period , and the Romanesque , rarely among station styles , proved amenable to both small- and large-scale treatment .
4 For some the Situationists were to be appealing .
5 ‘ There 's been one thing understood between us for years and that was that you were to be discreet .
6 There were to be listening posts with recorded messages , sturdy steps set into inclines , handrails at strategic points and gates adapted for guide dogs .
7 The Manchurian Academy trained others who were to be prominent after 1945 .
8 Relationships with foreigners , according to the official line , were to be friendly and co-operative , but based on the contribution they could make to China 's modernisation drive .
9 The physical and organizational settings in which children 's learning took place were to be all-important , and the combination of PNP resourcing , advisory effort and enhanced school staffing were all to be directed to their improvement , or to establishing what advisory staff termed ‘ the quality learning environment ’ .
10 The bold claim that all models were to be available from day one quickly fell flat .
11 On completion , the use of day and residential facilities , including a family flat , were to be available to parents and children with physical disabilities or sensory impairments .
12 Ration cards were to be available next day and without these it would be impossible for the Joyces to stay .
13 All records were to be available to Cardiff city council to allow it to discharge its statutory responsibilities .
14 It was forbidden to punish children by confinement during the night , and corporal punishment was not inflicted except for boys under the age of fourteen ( and then at least two officers were to be present ) .
15 Wardle , Appleyard , Close , Lowson , Trueman and Illingworth entered cricket in Yardley 's reign and all had great respect for his tactical ingenuity and his benevolent , Gower-style leadership although they were to be critical later .
16 If I were to be critical it would be to say that the scratchplates could be finished off more tidily , and occasionally the necks and bodies do n't look entirely new — although that 's hardly surprising , really .
17 In commenting on the 1991 budget shortly before its final acceptance , the IMF was less critical than in the previous year [ see p. 37509 ] , but stressed that the following year would be crucial if Italy were to be capable of participating fully in European economic and monetary union .
18 The autonomy of the Kurdish zone was to be strengthened , in an area expanded to include Kirkuk ; there were to be new and free elections to Kurdish councils ; the Kurds , having asked for a fair share of oil revenue , would be allotted 25–30% of the total Iraqi budget .
19 On the contrary , if the student body were to take its right to learn ( Lernfreiheit ) seriously , and were to be vigilant in seeing that it enjoyed the kinds of academic freedom I spelt out earlier , it would necessarily take on an assertive role .
20 If an offending media organisation were to be obliged to publish the ombudsman 's findings , Lord Mackay said , there would be a fair degree of pressure for it to pay up , although not formally bound to do so .
21 The United Kingdom and the Governments of several other member states consider that , if national measures of the type at issue were to be contrary to the articles of the E.E.C .
22 In practice , however , simple majorities were to be applicable only in six very minor and procedural areas .
23 The stations were to be vast in size but unexciting in form .
24 judges were to be irremovable , trials were to be held in public , juries were to adjudicate serious criminal cases , and elected justices of the peace were to hear minor criminal and civil cases .
25 Chris Patten is among the sceptics : ‘ Even if it ( investment ) were to be successful and encourage a 40 or 50 per cent increase in the use of rail , it would make damn-all difference to the growth in road traffic — it would just take a few percentage points off the top . ’
26 Julias Lukasiewicz , from Carlton University in Ottawa , Canada , said that if new high speed trains were to be successful in North America then they had to include a new track like the Japanese Bullet trains or the french TGV .
27 If it were to be successful the mental health movement would have to move away from any strong association with welfare .
28 Strong trade unions , especially in the public sector , had successfully resisted attacks on the Welfare State in the past , and so needed to be defeated if the Tories ’ solution to what they saw as the major problem — inflation — were to be successful .
29 Freemen who failed to swear were to be mutilated and exiled .
30 Henceforth the states would have responsibility for local or regional broadcasting and were to be autonomous .
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