Example sentences of "[was/were] [noun] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were meetings with backers and the press to be organized , including trips to the seaside with newspaper photographers and television crews , who wanted pictures of me walking on sand .
2 There were meetings with HMIs on diversification , meetings of committees and working parties , and what she describes as ‘ the massive amount of advisory work we undertook with staff from institutions as part of their preparation for validation .
3 There were houses with gardens on his left .
4 It is unlikely that there were discussions with laymen .
5 ‘ There were lakes with gold and blue and green fish in them .
6 His only previous chart success — last year 's Housecall and She 's A Woman — were duets with Maxi Priest and Scritti Politti .
7 The cardinal points of her compass card were friendship with Great Britain ( partly because of traditional and sentimental reasons and partly because of a long coastline ) and watchfulness towards her neighbours , Austria-Hungary and France .
8 There were alcoves with armchairs — two men playing draughts at a table — women with handbags , visitors I suppose , sitting with cups of coffee and talking to men .
9 Right from the start , there were tensions with Nigel Lawson 's Treasury team .
10 Above the boxes and sacks on the right were shelves with cups , plates , saucepans , bowls , nails , and an assortment of coloured tins on them .
11 There were affinities with prayer meetings , with professional ‘ magicians ’ or ‘ conjurors ’ , and with scientific entertainment using the mysterious forces of magnetism or electricity .
12 However , it was also clear by the mid-to-late 1980s that there were drawbacks with UDG .
13 These books much prized by thes societys were filld with incantations and secrets known only to those who trod the dark pathes .
14 There were kids dressed in velvet cloaks who lived free lives ; there were thousands of black people everywhere , so I would n't feel exposed ; there were bookshops with racks of magazines printed without capital letters or the bourgeois disturbance of full stops ; there were shops selling all the records you could desire ; there were parties where girls and boys you did n't know took you upstairs and fucked you ; there were all the drugs you could use .
15 Again , there were difficulties with Equity when I was selected and the whole thing had to go to arbitration because the company stood out for the casting it wanted .
16 Twenty two were officers with RNR ranks .
17 Biopsy specimens taken a few cm distal to the splenic flexure and in the sigmoid colon were staiend with haematoxyline and eosin and were assessed blindly for the degree of inflammation .
18 The attackers were androids with wings .
19 The Fayre 's organisers admit there were problems with noise , but say this came from a group of ravers who should n't have been there .
20 The summit itself is crowned by a trig pillar , a huge cairn , and a walled shelter along with the remains of a celebratory tower built in 1838 to commemorate Victoria 's Coronation , but wrecked by revelling locals after the opening — there were problems with vandals even in those days !
21 Devereux said : ‘ Widnes did n't really want me to go and there were problems with insurance guarantees .
22 Nothing goes as fast as I want it ’ ) , there were problems with design .
23 The only ones to see growth were Gestetner with turnover up 4% to £898 and De La Rue up 12% to £415 .
24 The court held that , despite its literal width , the expression did not embrace two Chileans resident in Chile who had never been to England , although they were partners with persons in England carrying on a business here .
25 They were people with connections , interests , obligations and they had to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages and to take other people and other possible futures into account .
26 But while the gap between the filmmakers and the critical culture could seem an unbridgeable chasm , there were people with feet in both camps who were discussing how to wrest British cinema away from its dual dependence on the stage and American models .
27 For example , it was not clear until 1983 that there were people with AIDS in central Africa .
28 Men with anal cancer were significantly more likely throughout the study period to be unmarried than were patients with cancer of the colon ( adjusted odds ratio 2.7 ; 95% confidence interval 2.0 to 3.6 ) and stomach ( 2.1 ; 1.5 to 2.8 ) , but no association with marital status was found among women .
29 Roads into the Conwy Valley were cut-off with scores of others impassable .
30 On his right in the luminous water of the second flood of the day were dotted little green islands , and the chug of an occasional motor boat echoed from beyond the marshy river mouths on the far side of the stretch of water , rivers full of reeds and duck , up which were villages with stone bridges and beyond which was heathland and peace .
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