Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Reason bein' , we did a complete sweep of the whole area outside the perimeter of the grounds , jes ' in case our man wuz lyin' up in the vicinity .
2 You couldn ’ even prophesy your own death , when it wuz standin' right in front of you .
3 There was a smell of stale cigarette smoke and some unwashed cups were stacked neatly in the sink , but the room was ferociously clean .
4 Old tins and coils of wire were stacked willy-nilly in the corners , along with odd-shaped bits of metal and jam jars with nails in them .
5 Ace glanced around , noting the clay bottles and pots sealed with wax that were stacked together in rickety cupboards .
6 Within seconds of each other , the two remaining freighters were ripped apart in great swathes of flame , sending white hot metal and sprays of burning oil through the cavern .
7 The air-conditioning ducts serving his quarters and bureaux as well as the politburo 's chamber and other appropriate parts of the building were ripped out in a most difficult , complicated exercise .
8 The first two generations of robots and their technologies were developed largely in the US by organisations like MIT and Unimation Inc .
9 The electronic versions of these documents might be crucial if the historians wanted to understand how the documents were developed especially in those environments where cooperative work software or groupware had been used to enhance the performance of those producing documents .
10 When at last he spoke , the words were spat out in sharp interrogation .
11 Times have changed dramatically for the worse in Wales , a condition brought on as much as anything by the masochistic fixture-making which has brought about so much contact between the countries since the Welsh were blacked out in the 1987 World Cup semi-final .
12 On other days of the week he had fixed luncheon dates which , because of his crowded schedule and not infrequent trips abroad , were arranged well in advance .
13 Recipes , for example , were arranged alphabetically in sections , with ingredients , prices , weights , and cooking times all precisely stated , on the basis of tests carried out by the author in her own kitchen .
14 Consequently , mental phenomena could emerge from a physical system which does not contain neurons at all , if its physical components were arranged together in a particular way .
15 Altogether some 2,500 animal species and 35,000 plants were listed either in Appendix I or Appendix II ; the Kyoto meeting added a further 45 and approved the upgrading of protection for some 35 species transferred to the Appendix 1 list .
16 Several aspects of French Country Cooking were roughed out in pencil by Bobby and then worked over in ink by Minton and imprinted with his own personal style .
17 Nevil did not look at me , even though his eyes were pointed roughly in my direction .
18 Similar xenoliths were recognized elsewhere in southern African and Siberia .
19 The Potsdam conference , attended by Truman , Stalin and Churchill ( until the latter was replaced by Attlee as a result of the British general election ) met in July 1945 : while the conference deliberated the atomic tests were completed successfully in the United States .
20 Blenning Bombers , er were these Bostons and Harvards they er quite a twin engine quite a wide wingspan and quite heavy for what they were , but as they were stripped down in , in the top hanger , and like I say a lot of stuff was salvaged from them , which was still good as they went out reconditioned at the other end .
21 Even though substantial orders were placed well in advance with the trade for some of these items the general pressure of demand was such that deliveries to RAFAMACS were delayed .
22 A month later , it was resolved that a proper place should be provided for the Professor 's dissections and lectures , and advertisements were placed accordingly in publications including the Morning Post and the Daily Advertiser .
23 The wheels were placed inside in order to protect them from the elements as well as from the deliberate damage that sometimes occurred during water disputes .
24 The single cards too were placed variously in the top half , bottom half and crossing the central strip .
25 More details of this notation were given above in 13.3.4 .
26 All too popular with passing children at the show , the balloons were given away in return for a small donation to the Sports Council .
27 George Lodge and Gilbert Blaine must have been old acquaintances for they were hawking together in Caithness in 1913 .
28 HEALTH ministers were rebuked yesterday in the Commons by Speaker Betty Boothroyd for announcing yesterday 's 13 per cent rise in prescription charges by way of a written reply instead of facing MPs .
29 Consequently , text corpora were limited both in size and availability .
30 Though his proposals were whittled down in Congress , the Revenue Act of 1921 and later measures provided for big tax cuts on high personal incomes and the removal of the excess profit tax .
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