Example sentences of "[is] make of [det] " in BNC.

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1 The methodology used here is a three-stage operation ; first , the binary raster files or single variable files ( SVFs ) are expanded into character form , compressed ( Held 1983 ) , and a row number added ; second , the files area is sorted by the row number so that all records with the same row number are contiguous in the file ; third , a count is made of all the rasters in each row which are simulated to be inside the required areas .
2 And finally I can just look at erm draft planning policy guidance thirteen , it is very easy to lift one or two sentences out of either the draft planning policy note , or indeed the Ecotech report which underpins it , erm , I think if a full reading is made of that , what comes across strongly in the research is that there is a very complex relationship between urban forms and transport patterns , and indeed erm I think the advice in P P G , er draft P P G thirteen is prefaced with a note that erm , transport issues are , will be erm , there are very few general principles , if any , and local er considerations will influence the er the importance of this iss issue very considerably , what I think draft P P G thirteen does invite us to do is to more overtly look the transportation implications of alternative settlement patterns , and that 's all .
3 One 's abiding memory is of a hand-off with the impact of the proverbial kicking mule and reminiscences of him triggered talk of how much less use is made of that weapon these days .
4 Each dot is made of many tiny tubes — much too small to see without a microscope .
5 I am not sure how far , without these visible or audible marks of strangeness , ‘ they ’ would be recognised by cultural differences , though in racist reactions much is made of such things : how good Frenchmen are insulted by the smells of North African cooking , or good Brits by that of curry emanating from their neighbours .
6 But it 's s70(1) ( g ) that 's the nightmare of conveyancers : The rights of every person in actual occupation of the land or in receipt of the rents and profits thereof save where enquiry is made of such person and the rights are not disclosed .
7 It is sustained by an intimate knowledge of its ‘ enemy ’ — the underclass of society — and exemplary use is made of this knowledge to produce the technological and structural means for the continuity of this system of power .
8 In conformity with the conventional treatment , where the cross-section narrows from a church with a central nave and side aisles at the lower levels to a narrow , lofty nave only at upper levels , optimum use is made of this space by filling it with a single range of dwellings .
9 At a health post in West Java , a record is made of this child 's weight and immunisation details
10 ‘ Too much is made of this US v Europe thing .
11 Selection is made of those instruments which give the most relevant information at the time .
12 ‘ The Scapegoat is made of any old bits of wood nailed together to form a trunk , legs and arms .
13 Amendments made : No. 62 , in page , 47 line , 43 , at end insert — ( ) The terms and conditions on which the Secretary of State may make any grants under this paragraph may include in particular conditions — ( a ) enabling him to require the repayment , in whole or in part , of sums paid by him if any other condition subject to which the sums were paid is not complied with ; and ( b ) requiring the payment of interest in respect of any period during which a sum due to him in accordance with any other condition remains unpaid , but shall not relate to the application by the college council to which the grant is made of any sums derived otherwise than from the Secretary of State . ' .
14 Research by Craft and Craft ( 1983 ) which includes a division between middle and working-class black groups is reported in Swann ( p. 60 ) but little interpretive use is made of these data .
15 Illustrations of the vehicles used for long distance services linking London with the West Country and the North , are shown and mention is made of these services being operated under control by several operators and then , by BRS .
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