Example sentences of "[is] make [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 The first thing to do is make sure the doors themselves are strong enough .
2 Their principal duty is making sure the two little princesses are safe and well .
3 If markets fail to allocate resources efficiently because of the existence of externalities , then the first prerequisite for efficient government intervention is making good the market 's informational failures .
4 Our challenge is to make explicit the basis for the intuitions and judgments that happen there and to make applicable the results of experimental interventions gained under more constrained conditions .
5 At the time he reached his last book , Human Knowledge , he had abandoned the claim that you could show that the world could be logically constructed out of sense experiences , and adopted a much more Kantian outlook , in which , while he erm said that all our inferences about the world must begin from sense experiences , all that the philosopher can do , is to make explicit the premises that are required in order to infer from the transitory data of my own experiences to the enduring existence of material things and the much more sophisticated kinds of existence which their minute constituents have .
6 ‘ The immediate task is to make sure the HMIP is able to discharge the substantial range of functions in this bill .
7 While they argue , those whose task it is to make sure the troops will be there on the day have to get on with more practical jobs .
8 ‘ Our goal ’ , he says , ‘ is to make sure the town is in good social and economic shape so that it is ready for the next century . ’
9 The task for artists , and their patrons , is to make sure the timetables fill up with living work , not empty ritual .
10 ‘ As a mountain rescue doctor my first responsibility is to make sure the other members of the team are as well trained in first aid medicine as possible .
11 The first step{ is to make sure the bound variable sets of P' and Q' are disjoint from unc and the components of x .
12 Erm their their job is to make sure the rivers are clean .
13 the third member of the team is stable head girl Jackie Potts her job is to make sure the horse is in it 's finest fettle …
14 He rightly pointed out that the only duty of the Glamorgan selectors is to make certain the best captain is appointed in succession to Butcher .
15 He went on : ‘ Our long-term policy is to make possible the eventual achievement of a united Ireland by agreement and consent … ‘
16 ‘ Money 's remarkable achievement is to make possible the most adequate realization and effectiveness of every individual compli-cation through the equalization of the greatest diversity ’ ( 1978 : 319 ) .
17 In such cases the agent 's liability is to make good the detriment thus caused to the person to whose rights he consented .
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