Example sentences of "[is] not [pron] they " in BNC.

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1 But it is accepted by physicalists of all kinds that the meaning or semantic value of internal states must be analysed in terms of their causal relations to stimulus and response , just as it is for the behaviourist 's dispositions , and is not something they possess in their own right , or of themselves .
2 Yes , they , they 're talking about that person 's personality , and their personality is not something they can change .
3 Ships in harbour are safe but that is not what they were built for .
4 But when people use the word ‘ chemicals ’ that is not what they usually mean .
5 Of course the elves are in a wood at that moment , and they are looking at the early evening stars , but that is not what they mean .
6 In fact , this is not what they say .
7 People who do sometimes find out they are very unhappy , either because the course is not what they expected , or because they just do n't like the institution .
8 It is not what they built .
9 Furthermore , they will know that such disturbances will force them to produce a level of output which is not the optimal one in the sense that it is not what they would in advance choose to produce at a price of P .
10 He said : ‘ There is no doubt that they have to consider the possibility of closing the fund , but his is not what they want to do .
11 It 's no good , er talking about how you do something , how you do is not what they 're interested in .
12 The ramifications of these doubts are reflected in a poll by Time magazine and CNN , which shows 53 per cent of voters do not think Mr Clinton is honest and trustworthy enough to be president ; 67 per cent think he would say anything to be elected president ; and 62 per cent say he is not someone they would be proud to have as president .
13 Unfortunately it 's not me they want to love and cherish it .
14 Besides , it 's not me they want , it 's the glamorous , high-profile media image .
15 I suppose a lot of people think that 's not what they joined the police for .
16 ‘ That 's not what they 're really doing . ’
17 It 's not what they hope to see , but it 's more or less on the spot of what once was the herb garden for the monks of Shrewsbury Abbey .
18 ‘ That 's not what they say when the heroine lands dirtside . ’
19 It 's not what they said , it 's the looks you got from some of the screws , as if to say , ‘ You should n't be laughing , what have you got to be happy about ? ’
20 It 's not what they 're used to , but … ’
21 ‘ It 's not what they say , it 's what you say , ’ said Mahmoud sternly .
22 So they 've learnt that they ca n't implement land reform unless they 've got the support of the popular masses and it 's got to come from them cos ultimately they , they 're pursuing land reform in order to get the peasant support and if that 's not what they want there 's no point in just erm imposing it on them .
23 anti-hunt people , the League of Cruel Sports and all sorts of other organisations that have actually asked their members not to be here today , not to cause a problem , not to divert attention from the real issues in the debate er er and cause a crisis outside for all the press and the media to latch on to , that 's not what they were about .
24 It 's not what they say , it 's what lies underneath the words it 's interesting .
25 You 're trying to be everything and they 're pushing it away cos it 's not what they really want and they , I mean , all , all you can get from him is how marvellous , you 're right , how marvellous his brothers are and yet , what I 've heard of the brothers they 're not
26 That 's not what they want though is it ?
27 Having heard that , and secondly due to your patience er through your patience getting clarification that it the borough could if it wished allocate its sixty hectares under this structure plan policy outside the town centres and that things that then took place in town centres would be extra , it 's not something they have to do but it 's a freedom they would have in their local plan , having heard those two things , the concern I 've got that even at sixty hectares , Harrogate 's allocation was too small erm really recedes very quickly sir , and would completely disappear and here Mr Allenby and I are at one ,
28 ‘ They have been working on the driving maul yet it 's not something they have been renowned for in the past . ’
29 That 's not something they 're complaining about but their level of awareness has shifted in a way which does influence their dealing
30 Yes , what concerns me a bit about surrogacy is someone was saying earlier that people will pay for what they want , but what if what comes is n't what they want ?
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