Example sentences of "[is] that [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 If we go to an exhibition together we find that we like the same paintings ; so I think it 's that we have an empathy in our way of painting , in the whole attitude to painting .
2 None of this music for Lovers Made Men and The Vision of Delight has survived , but the earliest piece of Lanier 's that we have , ‘ Bring away this sacred tree ’ for the Earl of Somerset 's Wedding Masque ( 1613 ) , is close in style to Guedron 's recits ( cf.
3 It 's that they have equal decisions , really so you ca n't say .
4 Good morning , I must say , I I stand before you today somewhat nervous , because erm , this is , this is my first to you as Treasurer , but this will be a slightly different speech from one 's that I have given in previous years .
5 The fact is that we have no option but to raise salaries .
6 The reason why we are embarrassed to admit this is that we have lived in an age when the self-sufficiency , the autonomy of poems has been elevated into dogma .
7 What is new is that we have moved from too few qualified nurses coming to work in the operating theatres , to not enough people entering nursing .
8 ‘ But one thing is that we have a meeting at 1pm at Nelson 's cottage .
9 The job of communicating is very important indeed and maybe one of our problems is that we have been doing so much within the business that we are not ready to communicate to the outside world that it perhaps does n't understand sufficiently what our targets are .
10 The reason is that we have driven the 500SL , which in its most basic form , is actually fractionally cheaper than the fully loaded 300SL-24 .
11 ‘ What has happened is that we have been clawed back from the disastrous level of whitefish we started at to a position in line with the top end of scientific advice . ’
12 Indeed , we make an effort not to use the phrase for a number of reasons , one of which is that we have been unable to figure out what it means ’ .
13 His reply is that we have no idea of material substance because matter is an impossibility and could not exist ; whereas , though we can have no sensory idea of spiritual substance , minds are not an impossibility and could exist .
14 One thing I can be certain of is that we have all been involved in rows , misunderstandings and quarrels .
15 ‘ I am afraid , Prime Minister , the answer is that we have to be more efficient than our European competitors . ’
16 ‘ What Clarissa means is that we have n't — mercifully — heard you for ages . ’
17 The fact is that we have entered here upon the theatre of the absurd , as well as the stage of the miraculous .
18 The drama for women , of course , is that we have been encouraged to become dependent and hold others in dependent relationships and have rarely sought to differentiate : womens ' groups can be as tyrannical as any other when they do not allow diversity and disagreement .
19 The main thing is that we have now completed over forty films .
20 Mr Taylor said : ‘ What is clear is that we have come closer together .
21 And the last lesson I think we have learnt is that we have to operate globally and internationally .
22 The consequence is that we have placebo responses to blank tablets and much stronger placebo responses to intravenous injections of saline which we are told is some new wonder drug .
23 One of the problems is that we have not found a way of doing it cheaply , and this has caused great anxiety . ’
24 The problem is that we have got the balance wrong .
25 Our own experience is that we have never yet planted a congregation without each person who is married getting as clear a call to the work as their partner .
26 The inward grace is that we have been born to a new relationship with God .
27 ‘ The fundamental thing is that we have come away from true asset finance , ’ said Tony Foley , director of Leaseplan , which has a portfolio of £60m in asset finance plus a further £150m in vehicle leasing .
28 The reason is that we have accumulated such a burden of public and private debt that there is no confidence in our economy .
29 The challenge that many of us face today is that we have a choice — whether or not we go out to work , how much domestic machinery we use , how much we involve the rest of the family in housework , whether or not we employ someone else to do the cleaning , how many take-away meals are put on the table , and so on .
30 Since the condition for effective crack-stopping is that we have to weaken the material by a factor of five , the process does not sound a very promising one .
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