Example sentences of "[is] that [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The ironical and fundamental point is that during these post-war years , when international demand for tropical commodities for the first time since 1921 really justified vast investments in the Colonies ; when the Colonies had a huge back-log of demand for essential equipment ; when at last the British government was equipped with power to give or lend considerable sums to top up what the Colonies could afford to invest from their own accumulating surplus ; and when .
2 What is undoubtedly clear is that during these years Henry 's power was still steadily advancing , though most modern writers tend to create the false impression of a king entirely preoccupied with the awkward domestic problem of the quarrel with Thomas Becket .
3 The reason why ex-boarding school pupils are forever divorcing is that during some of their most formative years love is characterised by distance , not closeness .
4 The important point to note is that under such vicarious arrangements the vendor remains responsible directly to the customer and will still be sued by the customer for non-performance or for breach of the contract if the work has not been undertaken in accordance with the terms of the contract .
5 The answer is that under any and all circumstances , America 's Treasury believes that the Federal Reserve 's monetary policy is strangling the economy .
6 An example of this is that under most standard forms the supervising officer has wide-ranging powers to issue instructions .
7 The difference between this and the two previous outcomes is that under this procedure the agency does not have to go through the whole decision-making process again .
8 The honest answer to the question asked by my hon. Friend the Member for Leyton ( Mr. Cohen ) is that under this Government there will never be a balance between exports and imports .
9 ‘ The most striking thing is that despite all the talk there is still not much clothing around yet .
10 The problem is that despite all the well-intentioned efforts of those who have devised the various syllabuses , whether for the old CSE/ ‘ O ’ levels or the new GCSE , what can be accurately assessed may only represent a small part of what arts education is all about .
11 What is so interesting is that despite that disastrous performance , Labour 's policies have hardly altered — and they would have the same effect again .
12 What the lectures at the Royal Institution seem to indicate is that despite these changes the age of ‘ two cultures ’ was still some way off ; at the elite level , those interested in the advance of science also wanted to hear about other cultural activity .
13 Part of the problem is that as most women who had attended single-sex schools had not known anything else , their comments will focus on the school itself rather than the fact of its being single-sex .
14 The key feature is that for each player , ‘ defecting ’ secures the best outcome regardless of what the other does .
15 The problem is that for many centuries there were a number of variant systems in which the year of grace began at different times — 1 January , Christmas Day , the Annunciation , Easter Day , and 1 , 24 and 29 September .
16 Moreover , a point to bear in mind is that for many users of weekly collection credit it is not just one transaction ( with a relatively small money cost , in spite of its high APR ) but is instead virtually continuous indebtedness , with one transaction following closely on the heels of another .
17 What is certain is that for many competent readers the ‘ voice in the head ’ is there — flickering in and out of consciousness , audible when helpful , silent when not .
18 Of course , there are unions and parties within Japan which cut across enterprise identification , but the point made by Hirschmeier and Yui is that for many workers , for much of the time , the enterprise is a more strongly pertinent collectivity .
19 A significant feature is that for many of these companies their overseas activities are more important than their domestic ones .
20 The second is that for many EFL teachers , the material and tangible aspects of employment are not the only standards they apply .
21 No firm decisions have been reached at JAA level on the method of cost recovery , but the principle is that for all JAA activities the ( CAA ) policy is to achieve full cost recovery .
22 One of them is that for all Enzo Ferrari 's mythomania — and God knows he loves the pomp and circumstance of his legend and exploits it in his dealings with the outside world — the Ingegnere knows his stuff and can be perfectly straight when he wants to .
23 The reason is that for several years to be pro-European meant to be pro-Maastricht .
24 Contrary to the all too common belief that ageing is essentially an unavoidable process of retreat , of withdrawal into passivity and dependence , the truth is that for most men and women later life is a time of active challenge : a time when perhaps more than ever they need to be able to respond imaginatively to change .
25 As general wisdom , the view in the pensions industry is that for most people with an existing Section 226 policy there would be little point in changing — and for high earners , in particular , it could be positively detrimental .
26 The fact is that for most children maths has been taught badly or rather they have learnt it badly for one reason or another , so there is a need for , for an improvement or a change , so the idea that if children can understand something this will help them to remember it or to make it more real to them , this does seem to be a shift over the last generation .
27 A favoured saying amongst biologists is that for any biological question god has created an ideal organism in which to study it .
28 ‘ I would remind you , Headmaster , that small as our boarding section is , the Ministry recommendation is that for any establishment of twenty boarders or more , a qualified matron be employed .
29 The problem , simply stated , is that for any rational expectations model one can always specify a non-rational expectations model which has exactly the same implications for a given set of data , even though it may have other implications which are quite different .
30 One danger is that for some people everything might happen too quickly at a Loving Relationships Training weekend .
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