Example sentences of "[is] not [adv] because " in BNC.

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1 It is not just because of their greater autonomy that discretion in both senses is very important to neighbourhood police .
2 IF Gorbachev the Great is looking more and more like Mixed-up Mikhail , it is not just because he has an impossible job .
3 That is not just because inflation is raging less fiercely than it was in the early 1980s , but also because of improvements in the way the labour market works .
4 This is not just because of the increasing domination of the visual over other media , as reiterated ad nauseam in discussions of the postmodern world , but is , more importantly , due to the specific characteristics of film .
5 This is not just because giving practical expression to such broad objectives in any meaningful way is inherently very difficult , it is also because the superstructure has to meet demands for close and detached accountability : to parents , to governors , to local education authorities and , of course , to the Secretary of State .
6 Unfortunately this is not just because the ideas will be taken up , but also because the savaging of the universities , especially the technically minded ones , will reduce the number of ideas .
7 This is not just because of the enormous scale of the demands which an ageing population puts on caring organisations .
8 It was also a story about people and , if I keep returning to Morocco , it is not just because the Atlas offer superlative climbing and trekking but because the Berber ‘ Highlanders ’ are a very special people : incredibly hardy , had-working , lively and friendly .
9 This is not just because of the threat from disease , famine or a self-inflicted nuclear holocaust ; all social worlds are precarious in a deeper sense .
10 This is not just because of the inordinate number of calculations involved .
11 This is not just because the terms Whig and Tory were not to become current usage until the Exclusion Crisis , but because the political polarities which were emerging in the 1660s and 1670s — between Court and Country — did not predict the Whig–Tory split that was to emerge after the Popish Plot .
12 This is not simply because , unlike most other artefacts , they are often stamped with words , images and even dates , but also because of their quantity and durability .
13 What I shall be arguing is that this is not simply because the kids are so difficult , nor because teachers are intrinsically powder-kegs of suppressed rage , but because the way most decent people view the world — their implicit personal philosophy if you like — breaks down when pushed to the limit and delivers misguided answers to difficult questions .
14 It is not simply because Mr Murdoch interferes with editorial policy , which he does , but because his staff , from the moment they are employed , know what is expected of them .
15 It is not directly because of the physical differences between light and sound
16 It is not directly because of the physical differences between light and sound .
17 It is not really because I was just Noel and I just had a chat this morning .
18 This is not merely because of its topical nature .
19 The danger of over-embalming is not there because these fluids are designed to be mixed , not like old fashioned fluids with which nothing could be mixed except some Fairy Liquid for lanolin content .
20 If that is the role of the Royal Family in a contemporary society , it is failing , but if it is failing it is not necessarily because the breeding and the education are wrong .
21 If Soviet women choose to ignore men 's dinner-time conversation it is not necessarily because they lack education : it may be that these women too have difficulty getting a word in and risk being verbally assaulted by men 's sexism .
22 And if , as so oft en , ecstasy obliterates the specificity of the landscape which simultaneously enables and absorbs it , this is not only because ecstasy is of its nature blind ; it is also because what we repudiate remains with us as partial blindness to what we embrace in its stead .
23 This is not only because marriage is thought more important but because higher education is dangerous .
24 If experimental novelists metaphorically stare across the Channel , it is not only because they hope some valuable contraband — fresh styles from France — may be smuggled through English literary customs .
25 This is not only because of the harmful effects they can have on the physical self but also because the need for them indicates a severe deficiency in the emotional self — a deficiency which needs to be helped and treated rather than disguised .
26 This is not only because of the risks to the health of the attempters and the distress to families and friends , but also because of the implications for the health services in terms of use of limited resources .
27 This is not only because it has a weak case — as we show elsewhere ( this issue , p 76 ) , there are certainly some doubts about the validity of the CEGB 's claims that Sizewell B will reduce the cost of electricity in England and Wales by allowing the board to burn less coal — but also because it is difficult to see what the inspector can say about economics when he comes to writing his final report .
28 This is not only because law and morality are related , but also because some costs ( eg. the loss of confidence in the markets ) are incapable of being quantified .
29 This is not only because they face a " bull market " for their skills , but also because they are a small and homogeneous population .
30 This is not only because there is such a wide range from which to choose , but also because worshippers have strong views and deep feelings .
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