Example sentences of "[is] it [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Also , how easy is it to replace the window runners on the doors and rear body ?
2 Does not that mean that we should be putting a great deal more money into such research or is it to remain the Cinderella of medicine for ever ?
3 Is it to set the general atmosphere and mood as Stravinsky did for The Firebird Mysterious sounds of the wind whispering in the trees , the soaring flight of a bird and the heavy tread of an unseen foot are still a wonderful introduction to this magic tale .
4 Is it to stop the rain spoiling their designer hairstyles or is it because they may get damp and catch the sniffles ?
5 Nor is it to degrade the female ( far be it from me to do so ) .
6 Oh , how much is it to get the pictures , I mean
7 single or multiple entry table ; — search requirements ; ( How easy is it to find the information in the table ?
8 Is it to identify the boy ? ’
9 But what is it to have the concept ‘ pain' if not to have in one 's mind some notion of what the word means , a notion presumably acquired by experiencing pain ?
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